Mangled tale

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Let me tell you a tale of time and of worlds,
to fulfill my empty satisfaction and brush away this unfathomable sadness.
Welcoming your presence with a warm hug,
take a seat, and receive the company of a cold shoulder shrug.

Slowly but surely, a soldier walks down its parade street
mumbling an obscure monologue to himself.
Approaching this bleak figure, I can hear his cold-hearted beat;
"I've done what I could, stop saying mischief!

Let me weigh the anchors that keep me from my sleep,
bring back the ocean and let me weep."
But as I then cast my eye upon his being for a moment,
I perceive a mangled masterpiece flooded by endless torment.

"Am I really the one to blame?
what a shame, what have I become?
Am I nothing but a burden in the eyes of others?"
His voice trembles, what a terrible agony for the man that suffers.

Maledictions of the human consciousness navigate on a sea of sorrows;
the horizon, an expanse of abandoned hope, loses its vivid charms,
as rain pours out our fretful purposeless existence.
"I just don't understand this quarrel, my memory is a vague reminiscence..."

Already, the miasma of rotting souls drenches the air,
appeasing my bitter mind in wait of joy roaming in vain.
How melancholic! While the feelings of war blossoms, peace starts to be rare;
starved creatures lie dead yet I remain left in pain...

__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

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