im backk

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hey guys. i'm finally backkk.

sorry for not being active once again, i've been grounded for like ever for not being responsible and shit. but i'll be posting soon <3

but that's not the only thing tho :/

i'm gonna rant so ignore me or whatever but idk if im in the wrong or not?

so i'm currently at a friends sleepover for her birthday and i went to bed at like 3 in the morning right? then her and her cousins decided to prank me at 4 and put whipped cream in my ear. which was funny ik but they got it in my hair and eyes too which i didn't like at all. so i confronted them and told them not to do stuff like that while i'm sleeping because it's annoying and i threw a little bit of the leftover whipped cream on my face and the girl whose birthday it was followed me back into the room and decided to pour water on me. i noticed the cup and i pushed it away from me, which spilled on her and two other girls.

i said sorry for spilling it everywhere but in my defense i wasn't gonna get wet because i only had one set of clothes. she got pissed and threw the cup at me and stormed off. i'm a very emotional person so i was gonna cry but i didn't. i only let tears fall as i hid into my blanket. then i tried to see if i could get picked up early because i wasn't ready for confrontation atm. but then, an hour later as i'm about to fall asleep she pours water on me again. im currently cold and wet and about to have a panic attack so i'll be posting on the drive back home..  right now in my time is 6:21am so i think i'll post later tonight...

again sorry for the inconvenience but i'm just not in the best head space for any of this
bull shit anymore

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