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"y/n? y/n l/n was it?" y/n turned around with a small frown, wondering what does this person want now? she was talked to by police, hero's, and her own classmates. they all tried to comfort her during the boys funeral but none of it seemed to get to her. her frown disappeared when she saw a blonde woman with brown eyes. her features were similar to the boy she loved.

"yes, you must be mrs. kaminari. i'm sorry we didn't meet sooner." his mother smiled as she held y/n's cold hands. "i'm so grateful  met someone as wonderful as you honey. it makes me relieved that someone really did care for my son." she looked down with a disappointing smile while tears pooled her eyes. "his friends were nice but they all said mean comments about him. he played it off but i knew it hurt him somehow. but you never were rude or picky with him. and i am so thankful." y/n looked at her with a surprised look while tear flowed down her cheeks.

"t-thank..thank.." she couldn't make out another word. having someone who wasn't aizawa or bakugou say such nice things to her made her heart soften. kaminari's mother smiled with tears in her eyes as well as she hugged the poor girl. "oh.. and i don't think denki wanted me to keep this... you can have it." she handed y/n kaminari's phone as she walked away with a scowl.

she hated that she was the reason her son was dead.

y/n smiled as she held kaminari's phone. she opened it, seeing many notifications from his mother and bakugou. she sighed as the bell rung, showing that the funeral was over and the students had to go back to class. as she walked the halls she kept going through his phone. she felt guilty for not noticing the signs of his depression. a notification showed at the top of the screen. a reminder to read the paragraphs first words. she almost sobbed. his reminders still went off. when she got to the classroom

the students sat down in their desks as present mic pulled out letters. "kaminari wrote letters for all of you. iida, please pass them out." iida looked down in sadness a he passed them out gloomily. y/n held hers as she unfolded the paper. her eyes already started to tear up as she saw his neat handwriting.


Don't think i really loved you. i used you for my own selfish desires. like i said that one date, i told you to sit in my lap. i loved your body and nothing else.

Trust me. i know how you feel. betrayed right? i hate that you were near me every second of the day.. and it made me miserable that i had to stay with someone as clingy as you are. i couldn't believe that you actually thought i loved you.

Bakugou Bakugou Bakugou. it's was always him. you never even made plans with me! you went to his house many of times, you didn't even want to spend time with me. not that i wanted to hang out with you tho.

Please, i just got back from the store and i'm ending it all. i hope you die in the most painful way possible y/n l/n.

y/n started to shake. is this how he really felt about her? all those kisses and compliments and affection... was a show?

she couldn't believe she was used so easily. but that didn't matter to her right now. drops started to fill the page. she put her hand over her mouth as she hid her head. she couldn't take it. everything was happening so fast. there was so many things already going on. her mother, todoroki, aizawa, now kaminari.. it was too much. the room began to spin before principle nezu quietly came in the class room. he tapped on y/n's arm as he motioned her to come out of the class room. she nodded as she followed.

"it's about your father dear." she flinched when he mentioned him. hell, she still gets memories of his horrifying smile. "so what about him? did he finally die?" he shook his head as he gave her more papers. this far in ua.. papers were never good. she took them cautiously as she her face turned sour as she kept reading.

"there's no way i'm visiting that piece of-"

"language. i am the principle after all!" he smiled as he continued. "but you have to. he requested it before his execution." she scoffed. "whatever.. when does he want to see me..?" he sighed as he pointed at the bottom of the paper. "now."

he pointed at the phone through the glass as she sighed. she picked up the rusty phone and sat back into her chair. "hi." he smiled. "look at you.. you've grown so much ice cube." she furrowed her eyebrows as she sat up. "don't call me that." he sighed before scratching the back of his head. "about before... i was on terrible drugs. honestly i just wanted to visit. to see how you were doing."

"and to kill me afterwards!? to chop me up and sell me for cash?!" she shouted as the room got quiet. the man sighed. "i didnt.. i didn't work for those men y/n. i told them i would give them money back because i was in terrible debt." she rolled her eyes. "what money huh?" he sighed before leaning on the glass. "there's a bag of money inside of the couch." she scoffed. she didn't believe a word he said. "i'm telling the truth dammit!" he slammed his hand against the desk before sighing. "listen, i heard about your friends.. and your teacher." her eyes widen as she glared at him.

"how do you-"

"we watch the news too.. anyways." he looked at her with the most seriousness he could. "as you know i'm not getting out of here.. im dying anyways, but i don't want you to follow the line of me and your mother." she looked down, fiddling with her skirt as he sighed sadly. "i'm sorry to say but.. i think someone is after you next." her heart stopped. a killer? after her? she never wronged anyone!

"but. before it's too late. there's 4 million in cash. in the big blue backpack. it's inside of the couch. take that with a ticket and leave. leave before you get hurt alright? i love you more than anything and i'm so sorry. but i need you to go. my last request before.." they both when silent. she put her hand against the glass that separated them with a small smile. "thank you.." he did the same before having guards taking him away from y/n. he waved off shouting for her.

"i love you! be safe! i love you i love you!" she sighed as she looked on the desk. there was a tiny paper between the glass. she looked around before grabbing it and quickly leaving.

once she was out the building she called her last hope.

"y/n?" she sighed in relief. he was safe. "Ai, didn't you graduate already?" it was silent on the other end. the boy sighed. "yes? i graduated a year early- you know this. anyways is this all you have to tell me? i have to go-"

"no!.. no don't! just meet me at my dorm!" she hung up as she ran. she was stopped by the cross walk, cars driving pass as she groaned. she looked at her hand, that held the little paper. she opened it as she read it in confusion. "'his note app'? what does that even mean..?" her brain slowly clicked together as she grabbed kaminari's phone from her bag. she unlocked it, going to the notes. there were so many. one caught her eye.


her name was bold as the title. she clicked on it.

y/n. as you know i'm passed off. i figured something like this would happen.. so i had to give you the best moments you have. if you didn't piece it together already.. i met with your father.

she stared at her phone as she sighed. she looked up while crossing the street.

i told him to give it to you secretly. just in case anyone followed you. anyways read my reminders and follow them please. i got to go. i love yonwkwl mendkwlc

it seemed like it he was in a hurry. she furrowed her eyebrows before running back to her dorms.

once she got there, she ran into mina. "sorry!" she tried to continue to her dorm, but she got tripped. "just leave." y/n looked up at mina with surprise. "i don't know what you mean- we can talk later alright?"

"there won't be a later! you killed my bestfriend y/n! fucking psycho!" y/n was taken aback from mina's statement. "how dare you!?" she stood up before being pushed again, with mina's eyes being more puffy. "you were nothing to him! all you are is a fucking orphan." y/n went to slap the dog shit out of her, only having kirishima catching her arm.

"just go to your dorms already! both of you!"

that's what she was trying to do. only she was too late once she reached it.

if only she ignored mina. none of this would've happened.

'My Sunshine' ((Yandere! Bakugou x reader))Where stories live. Discover now