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F/a = Favorite anime

Tap tap

The h/c girl felt a tap on her shoulder and glanced next to her seeing her classmate Todoroki, looking at his book while handing her a small paper. She subtly took the paper and read it quickly. 'Thank you for the advice the other day Y/n-san.' She smiled and scribbled some words in it back for the two toned boy as she kept studying for future tests in English with Present Mic.

"ALRIGHTY CLASS!! SEE YA TOMORROW!! MIC OUT!!" She covered her ears and sighed. She picked up her stuff and walked out of class to her locker, grabbing her stuff and headed out. As she walked back to the orphanage, she felt a pair of eyes on her. She grabbed her phone subtly and checked behind her. Nobody. She sighed in relief and walked a bit slower. Then she heard heavy breathing. She panicked and looked behind her once more, nothing. She walked in a faster pace which turned into running, then sprinting. She opened the doors and slammed them behind her. She locked them and checked the peephole. She sighed, cursing at her paranoia. She turned around to face the woman who ran the orphanage.

"GAH!! I-I uh...sorry ms! You gave me a fright hehe..." she rubbed the back of her neck as she chuckled a bit, as the woman did not laugh back, only holding a straight face.

"Calm yourself. Anyways, can you clean the kids rooms? They left for basketball practice and didn't clean them like I asked." The girl shook her head as she dug into her backpack and grabbed some papers for the field trip she was going to.

"Sorry! I can't but m-ms! Can you sign this? It's for my field trip later today and we leave at 4:30! P-Plus I forgot to pack!!" She said as the woman grumbled and snatched them and signed them on the wall.

"Clean the children's rooms." She demanded as the girl nodded and ran up the stairs, passing the rooms she was supposed to clean and packed her clothes. She smiled and zipped up her suitcases and looked at the clock.

"4:19!? I GOTTA GO!!" She grabbed her bags and ran down the stairs and unlocked the door seeing her friend, Kaminari Denki, at the door out of breath.

"L-ha...ha..l/n...h-hurry..ha.." he grabbed one of the girls bags and picked her up. She yelped as he picked her over his shoulder. She held onto his torso for dear life as she screamed in fear and laughter as she heard the blond male laughing at her squirming around. He got to the bus and set the girl down, panting as he fell into the floor. "Man..ha..that was..ha..oddly awesome...ha.." he gave Aizawa the bags and took Y/n's wrist and sat next to her on the bus.

"Wanna watch f/a with me?" She said as she pulled out her phone and earphones, giving an earbud to her blond friend. He nodded and put the earbud in as she carefully put on the anime and put it in the middle of hers and Kaminaris lap as it played. Y/n smiled knowing she still had a weeb friend other than Katsuki and Jiro. A finger poked the back her head as she jumped in surprise. She looked behind her seeing nothing but a female uniform, she sighed and waved.

"That episode you're watching? Yeah um...[ insert spoiler ] happens so..." the
h/c frowned as she sighed. She didn't say anything as she continued to watch it with the half asleep Kaminari next to her. She chuckled quietly as she yawned, looking at his shoulder. She tapped his shoulder, making him look over quickly.

"Um...can I rest my head on your shoulder? I'm just super tired hehe..." he only smiled and nodded as she thanked him and put her head on his shoulder. He rested his head on hers as he relaxed. Then their teacher Aizawa sensei stood up to talk for a second.

"It'll take a few hours to get there so...get comfy I guess I don't know." Then he collapsed on one of the seats as some students chuckled. The two continued to watch the anime, ignoring the spoiler Hagakure had spilled and fell asleep. The whole time not knowing that a certain blond was glaring at the two.
"Oh my god...I think I'm gonna die." Kaminari said as he fell onto the floor as well as you. You groaned and panted as you remembered the weird looking monsters you and the class had to fight off. You heard mumbling and teachers talking as you just muted them out. You were so tired you almost fell asleep then and there until a cold breeze was near your neck. You immediately bolted up as you rubbed your neck, looking behind you was a two toned boy raising his eyebrow.

"You almost fell asleep there Y/n." You chuckled and stretched a bit as you thanked him and went up to your friend Kaminari. He was still on the floor as you giggled a tiny bit and held out a hand for the boy.

"So...ready for dinner? I'm so fucking hungry right now." His eyes lit up in excitement as if he got zapped by a random ball of energy as a wide smile formed on his chapped lips.

"I totally forgot about dinner!! I'm so stupid! Hurry up before we get the leftovers!!" He grabbed your wrist and pulled you in the building as students gathered around in the cafeteria and ate like it was the end of the world. You chuckled and sat next to the blond as you put everything such as things you didn't like as well on your plate. You. Were. Starving. You basically inhaled everything as you once again ignored the noises around her. Then another blond sat on the other side of you, silent and also ate like a pig. You chuckled until you noticed Midoriya getting up for a random reason. You obviously didn't care at that point so you just ignored him.

Everyone ate quickly as one of the cat lady's said that for now on everyone would make their own food. You smiled at the thought of Mina's moms recipes she taught you over the years, but then frowned knowing you and your classmates would be cooking. You sighed and finished up your plate helped to clean up.

Once you were finished, you yawned and walked over to your friend Kaminari, who whines about how full he was. He looked in your direction and stopped immediately with a smile, pushing his red head friend out of the way walking to you. "How was the food?? I know for sure that I'm full as...uh, I-I don't have any jokes. I'm too tired." He sighed as you giggled a bit, not noticing you haven't done that in a while. You smiled as you both walked each other to your shared rooms as Kaminari went in his first as you walked back. Then a certain ringtone filled your ears as you sighed.

"What's up? I don't think I'm alowed to even answer you during this trip so I'm just gonna hang up—"

"No no no no wait! Wait! I-uh...it's me..Chitekina Ai? The boy who talked with you at the police station?" You raised a brow, nodding as you remembered who the male was.

"Yeah yeah what do you want?" You heard the male sigh and a bit of papers fumbling here and there until a little 'aha' caught your attention. The a grunt was heard as well of squeaking noises.

"Sorry..my chair is really old. Anyways, have you ever thought that the suicide of you mother was suspicious to you?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you laughed bitterly.

"My mom died and that was that. What do you want from me huh?" The male sighed.

"I...I believe your mother's incident was a homicide..." your face went pale as your knees felt weak. You didn't know what to say, you forgot how to breath in the most quickest second.

You thought about arguing with him but also just needed a break and to hang up on him. What felt right?

I'm back bitches—

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