2~a date~2

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Author-San POV

"L/n why are you late?" Aizawa sensei looked at the girl tiredly. She put on a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her head.

"S-sorry sensei...my mom didn't wake me up..it won't happen again." The man nodded as the girl went to her seat next to her friend, Todoroki.

"Okay so today's lesson will be..." the girl fell asleep on her desk ignoring everything that was taught that day. Meanwhile, Todoroki wrote down some notes on his paper, and on Y/n's notebook that she left on her desk yesterday.
The bell rang as the girl bolted up from her seat. She looked around seeing her classmates leaving the classroom. "L/n." A calm voice called her. She looked up seeing Todoroki holding her notebook with notes filling the entire page. Maybe more. She smiled and stood up.

"Oh! Thanks Todo!" She grabbed the notebook with a smile. She took a glance that had his number on the top right corner.

"L/n, may we sit with each other? On the rooftop I mean." Just before she could answer a figure came walking behind her.

"She's sitting with me icey-hot." A deep husky voice startled the girl. Bakugou. The girl laughed nervously. She turned around and smiled.

"I'll sit with Todoroki today, alright? Then we can hang out at Kiri's and play Mario cart!" She put a wide smile, that just hid the truth. Sadness...Anger...Fear. The boy just rolled his eyes and left. She turned back to Todoroki and smiled. "I'm not all that hungry so I'll just wait up at the rooftop." He shook his head.

"If you don't eat, then I won't. Why don't we go out to eat somewhere? Plus we can talk more." The girl nodded as they went to the rooftop, talking softly and laughing.
"Oh yeah! I love that movie!" The girl shouted a bit too loud. She started to blush in embarrassment when Todoroki chuckled. "S-Sorry Todoroki-Kun." He shook his head.

"It's okay. You can call me Shoto as a favor." A light pink dusted off her cheeks as she nodded. The bell rang showing that lunch was over and class was starting again.
Class went faster than usual. The bakusquad came over to her desk as she started to get up. "You coming over to my place L/n?" She nodded as she looked at her half toned haired boy.

"Would you like to come play Mario with us Shoto? We can go eat after?" The boy nodded as he stood up. The girl smiled as the Bakusquad smiled.

"Awe yeah! We got Todoroki, one of the manliest mans in class to hang out!" Mina shook her head and punched his arm making her wince since he turned on
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) his quirk.

"Ow-Idiot! Y/n did! Not you!" He chuckled and turned around towards the door.

"ONWARDS!" All 6 people smiled and walked with Kirishima, except an angry ash blond. He was filled with rage and glared at the back of a certain someone's head.
"Ooh~! How about we play a game!" The pink girl exclaimed, as Bakugou and Y/n were tie once again, frustrated that there was no clear winner. "It's kinda like a bet. It's where everyone plays each other for a single person! Like if Todoroki were first," she winked at him. "Everyone got to have a bet on him! Like for me, if I beat everybody in this room, I get to kiss Todoroki-kun on the cheek and put it on my Snapchat!" Everyone nodded/groaned in agreement. She smiled brightly as she pointed at Sero. "Your up first!"
Everyone went as Bakugou won. His bet was if he won, he got to tape his mouth shut with his own tape. Everyone laughed except Todoroki, who just stayed silent. Mina stood up and pointed at Kaminari. Then so on as Bakugou kept winning. It was finally his turn so everyone thought about their bets.

"I get a hug for ten seconds without dying!"

"I get to be called manly!"

"I get to snap a pic of him in a bra!"

"Hmm Hmm phew Hmm Hmm hmmm Hmm!" Everyone looked at the black haired boy in confusion, so they ignored him. All he wanted was the tape removed.

"He has to shout that he's a loser at school tomorrow." Everyone snickered at Y/n as they all looked at Todoroki.

"He has to admit that I'm the strongest and Midoriya will surpass him one day." His eye twitched as he sighed, trying his best not to burn any of his friends stuff. Everyone played and to Todoroki's surprise, Y/n won.

"HAHA! EAT MY HAIR STRAND KIRISHIMA!" She started to dance in victory as Bakugou mumbled angrily to himself. Mina laughed as she recorded your little dance.

"Okay! Last but not least! Y/n's turn!" Kirishima shouts.

"She has to sit on my lap for the rest of the month!"

"She has to go to class tomorrow wearing slutty clothes." Mina snickered at Sero's bet.

"She has to be my sparring partner for two weeks!"

"She has to kiss a random boy at the mall!"

"She can't hang out with Icey-thot anymore." Todoroki groaned and thought about what he wanted.

"She has too..." he thought for a second until he snapped his fingers. "You have to hang out with me tomorrow." The girl blushed as Kaminari and Bakugou groaned.

"Man I should've thought of that!" Kaminari sighed.

As so, everyone went as as there were only three people left. Kaminari, Bakugou, and Todoroki. They all did their best to get to their goals. It was Kaminari vs Bakugou. Y/n sighed and sat next to Todoroki.

"Who do you thinks gonna win Shoto?" He smiled and looked at her.

"Me." She chuckled at the self confidence as a pair of red eyes glared at the two. Making him lose to Kaminari. The blond looked at the 'you win!' Screen and stood up.

"Yes! I did it! I did it! Get over here Todoroki!" He said with a smile as Todoroki sighed. He went up and sat in front of the tv. Bakugou all most had a temper tantrum until a pair of e/c orbs looked in his. She looked away continuing to watch the boys play.

"Oh, I won." Todoroki bluntly stated as Kaminari jaw dropped at the screen.

"Damnit! I was so close! I could've made her fall in love with me in no time!" Kaminari sighed and looked at you. "Another day my beloved~!" He said dramatically as you giggled.

"So, I guess we shall go on a date tomorrow, since it's Saturday." The girl smiled.

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