19-What do I do?!?-19

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y/n glared at mina as she pulled her arm away from kirishima. "i'm going to my bedroom." she stated before stomping away. she didn't understand one thing that had happened to her. she felt like a cringey protagonist from a book or a corny movie.

she shook away her thoughts as she walked up to her bedroom. she opened her door.

"Ai? what the hell man." she saw the male laying in her bed, making groaning noises. she laughed quietly as she made her way up to the young detective. "you're a terrible fake sleeper. get out of my sheets bozo." he didn't move at all. she sighed as she started to shake him.

"for real get out of my bed. i need to talk to you about something" she shoved him softly, only having him fall onto the ground. "what is with you today?" she walked around her bed.

as she slowly looked over at him, there was blood on her bed. blood was also coming from his body that was collapsed on the ground. "OH MY GOD!" she came to him quickly and saw two knives impaled his stomach. she had the urge to vomit, but she stayed there with her friend. tears flowing through her eyes as she yelled for help immediately.

"he's.. hes okay for now.." the doctor say next to y/n as he put his hand onto her shoulder. "but, due to the blood loss the side effects might conclude to small memory loss, the knives in his stomach you found.. weren't places until his head injury" he showed her a chart showing his x-rays . "it seems he was hit by a blunt object." she nodded her head as she stayed quiet. she didn't feel like speaking. so many things were happening. when can she get a rest? she's been hurt and lost so many people she's cared about for who knows how long.

she just wanted a happy ending. but her job wasn't done. due to her fathers suggestion, this may be from all one person. bakugou and her classmates were out of the picture of course. sure she has people who hate her but she doesn't think any of them would consider murder. she pulled out kaminari's phone and read through the end of his message.

'...read my reminders.'

she sighed as she pulled up his reminders app. paragraphs first words. what did that even mean?

'what paragraphs.. not even a book reference to help me out.. paragraph!'

she pulled out the letter kaminari wrote on paper to y/n and began to read it.

Don't think i really loved you. i used you for
my own selfish desires. like i said that one
date, i told you to sit in my lap. i loved your
body and nothing else.

Trust me. i know how you feel. betrayed
right? i hate that you were near me every
second of the day. and it made me miserable
that i had to stay with someone as clingy as
you are. i couldn't believe that you actually
thought i loved you.

Bakugou Bakugou Bakugou. it's was always
him. you never even made plans with me!
you went to his house many of times, you
didn't even want to spend time with me. not
that i wanted to hang out with you tho.
Please, i just got back from the store and i'm
ending it all. i hope you die in the most
painful way possible y/n l/n.

. . .

Don't think i really loved you.

Trust me.

Bakugou Bakugou Bakugou.

. . .

Don't think


bakugou bakugou.

. . .




"oh my god.." she held the paper tightly before a young woman tapped her shoulder. "l/n? hes ready for visitors." she nodded as she grabbed her things and stuffed them into her bag and speed walked toward his room. "knock knock." she saw the red haired boy awake looking around dumbfound.

"hi.. are you a friend of my uncles? i'm Chitekina Ai. i'm a detective in training. you are?" she clutched her bag. 'slight amnesia my ass..' she walked up to the chair beside him with a small smile. "hi i'm l/n y/n... i was a close friend of yours. i saw you when you were.."

'what do i do..?' she thought. she didn't know if telling him the truth was a good thing. what if it only set him in more danger?

. . .

hey guys i'm sorry for the wait. my little cousin passed away so i was off visiting family. but i'm back and will be posting as quickly as i can. since there are only a few more chapters to upload :)

i'm also thinking of sharing a
midoriya x reader after this book.. it's cringey now but what do you guys think?

anyways again sorry for the small chapter i'll do my best in the next one

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