A Day In Hargeon

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The town from where it all began

.•°A Day In Hargeon°•.

It was mid June. It was only mid-morning but the sun was scorching already. Lucy Heartfilia, a 18 year old celestial wizard makes her way on the busy street of Hargeon as we speak.

Lucy had chocolate brown eyes and bright deep blonde hair. She was just like her mother. She had a shoulder bag as an only accessory for now.

It was her second day in Hargeon and everything was going smoothly.

People were buying special seafood only sold in Hargeon, street performers performing dangerous stunts without magic, tourists admiring the beauty of the ocean and children playing on the beach. Just a normal day.

She could hear the voice of children pleading their parents to buy them toys. She could hear the local vendors marketing their products to the tourists.

Lucy was walking on a road that allowed her to get a view of all of these at once.
It was her first time visiting Hargeon so she observed every detail closely.

The road led to the main street. Naturally, it was crowded. But there was a unusually big gathering in the middle of the street. Men and women, everyone was pushing each other to just get a glimpse of something. Something that was in the center of this big hectic.

"Man...I wish I could use magic...", Lucy heard blond man mumbling enviously as he pushed his way out the crowd.

"What's the ruckus about?" She wondered and decided see it too.

But it was tough to enter the crowd.
She pushes aside some people smelling of sweat, some yelling and some even swearing. She had to crawl just like a earthworm.

After she finally reached the center, her eyes gets fixated on a flier. It read-

"Need to defeat a demon living in the town of spade.
Reward-1,000,000 Jewels and one gold key"

A really short description to say the least.

"Wow", Lucy gasps. She didn't care about the task. One gold key was enough to make her do any job, no matter it's difficulty.
But the fact that it was a job flier out of nowhere in middle of a town was suspicious.

She stares at the job flyer for a few minutes, ignoring people who were shouting at her to back down because she was standing in front of the request board.

She thinks for a moment, and then jumps up, throwing her fist in air with a excited smile- "It's perfect. It's a perfect job for a pretty wizard like me to make her debut."

Lucy had never taken a official job request like this one because she wasn't in a guild. Actually it was the first time she had seen a job flyer.

Her pretty smile doesn't last long. Soon she smiles demonically and starts mumbling every possible sweet-reality she could think of after she defeats the demon and earns the gold key.

But this unintentionally creeps out the crowd standing behind her. Soon she was the only one who is standing there, not realizing what happened.

Lucy jerks her head around once. No one was behind her. She shrugs and then looks at the job flyer once again.

"Thats weird" she says to thin air. "But still, this is a pretty high paid job and to be posted on a wooden banner in a town like Hargeon where magic is rarely used, and no powerful guild is anywhere around this port town...mutter-mutter...ahhh screw it. All I care about is the zodiac key."

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