Clash Of Ideals

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The girl from Pegasus

.•°/.Clash Of Ideals.\°•.

The door opened with a snap and four people, who were leaning against it, fell right in the feet of master's.

Lucy steps back immediately, not wanting to become a hindrance in a potential fight.

But things didn't went according to what she thought. Makarov was relived and Mira exits her Satan soul takeover.

"Owww..." A kid moans in pain. Lucy looks closer. The kid... it looked like him. And that man... they are identical... Wait! These are Fairytail wizards!

"Welcome back, Mest, Wakaba, Macao and Romeo." Mira says with a bow. Her dual personality never failed to amuse Lucy.

How can this sweet girl turn into a sadistic demon in just matter of seconds... and turn back again?! Mira has now risen up to the respect level of Erza's for Lucy.

"Mest... what are you doing here?" Makarov asks, a little annoyed.

Mest at first coughs violently but then barely stands on his feet with the help of Macao and Wakaba."It's really important... and urgent too!"

"You first need treatm-"
"NO!" Mest insists.

Makarov takes a moment to consider what his reply. "Alright. I am listening." He crosses his arms and looks at Mest with concentrated eyes.

Mest looks around. There were 5 extras. He shook his head slowly. Makarov realizes what he meant. He looks at Mira and nods. Mira nods back and heads for the infirmary.

"Macao, Wakaba and Romeo, here, follow me. Let's get you checked." Mira says waving her hand from the staircase. They all follow her to the second floor, leaving only Lucy, Mest and Makarov behind.

Lucy reads the situation too. Before master could think of an excuse, she herself takes an initiative and says, "Master I will be going now. Take care."

Makarov smiles. He nods his head and Lucy heads for the exit.

After she was about 10 steps away from the guild, she heard gramps shouting, "Take care, my child. And don't tell anyone about what I told you in the infirmary and about 'that'.

Lucy takes a brief turn and gives a thumbs up, putting Makarov at ease. The door then closes as soon as she gives the thumbs up.

Her face suddenly dropped. She sighed. "Ahhh... Wonder what he had to say... maybe I could have helped too..."

But no matter how much she wanted to know about it, the fact remains that she won't be included in the conversation just yet... maybe...

Lucy knew this too, so she didn't overthink it.

She looks at the sky. It was shady and cloudy, at least for now. The blazing sun was muzzled by a thick layer of clouds. Lucy looked back at the guild. It felt barren... the way she had never imagined it to look.

"The rest of the guilty mates must be busy..." She kept wondering on her way back. Theories and thoughts simulating in her mind made her journey shorter. She was standing in front of her apartment in no Tim.

It looked clean... as if nothing ever happened. Whatever happened was really too much to take for just two days.

She enters the apartment, goes to the second floor and fetches for her key. Only at this time she realized it... the golden key that she got as her reward from Galuna was still hooked, untouched, to the key holder.

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