"Kill Himari"

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Saving or destroying the city?

•×|"Kill Himari"|ו


In a forest still far from Crocus, there were few wizards traveling since yesterday. The dawn has just illuminated the night sky with it's faint light.

These travelers didn't sleep or rest on their journey at all. They have been walking since the time they stepped onto their path. But none had any sign of tiredness of their face.

For, these weren't ordinary wizards. In Fiore, they are preached by the title of 4 emperors of Ishgar.

However, not all 4 were included in this party. God Serena, Warrad Sequen and Wolfheim made a three man squad.
Draculus Hyberion, 2nd emperor of Ishgar stayed behind for the paper work and maintenance of the council.

"What do you think must have become of capital by now...?" Wolfheim asks without looking at anyone. He was leading them, since he had the sharpest instincts. Sensing any ambush would be easy for him. He was followed by Warrod and then God Serena.

"Maybe taken over by the bad guys." Warrod laughs. Wolfheim gives him a ugly glance and then sighs as Warrod adds, "Just a joke!"

"Your jokes are always unpleasant." Wolfheim states.

"Huh? That's what you always blabber." Warrod laughs and then looks behind him "But maybe the young man here has some different opinion."

Behind him was God Serena. His arms were folded and his eyes forcefully were closed. Surprisingly, his face was distressed, brows were contracted.

"Your joke made him like this." Wolfheim laughs once he looks at the face of God Serena.

Warrod smiles and stops. God Serena was walking without looking, and so, bumped into Warrod. He jumps back instinctively with his eyes wide open. Wolfheim stopped too after he noticed them.

"What are you thinking?" Warrod asks.

God Serena rubs his neck and walks past him. "None of your business."

Warrod sighs and follows him. But once God Serena tries to overtake Wolfheim, he is stopped by a firm grip on his wrist.

"I am leading." Wolfheim reminds, pulling God Serena behind him.

God Serena clicks his tongue with annoyance and says, "So why did you stop?"

Woldheim looks at Warrod with a confused look. Then he keeps his hand on God Serena's shoulder and says with pity in his voice. "It's the age, I guess. Don't worry, all children go through this phase."

"You talking about puberty?" God Serena asks raising his index fingers. Then with a dab, he says, "Then know it old man, I passed it before your head turned into a lame old tree."

Warrod walks over to Wolfheim and whispers while seeing God Serena showing off some dance moves. "Definitely puberty."

"Kids these days." Wolfheim whispers back. It was probably the only thing they both agreed on so easily.

"So, what are we waiting for?" God Serena asks taking the lead again. Then in an excited voice, he announces without looking behind, "Let's go to Crocus! Gods are descen-"

"Cut it already." Warrod interrupts. "Drop the act."

God Serena stops and turns his neck behind. "Huh?"

"He means-" Wolfheim says walking towards God Serena, "-spill your thoughts already. We have stopped for you."

"Me?" God Serena grins. "Well, a special service for the real god, is it?"

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