Master And Disciple

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The gang of Veronica?

..•°•Master and Disciple•°•..


Media- This is Galuna Island, if you haven't realized already. There is no purpose of 'this' pic in this chapter. But there is a mention of Galuna Island, so it is just a reference. It will become clearer as you read that part.


"So, it's noon already?" Laxus sighs.

Few hours ago

Laxus returned back to the forest base, just after the incident with Kritz. He expected a tense attitude of his teammates, since he was away for some good hours. But reality is often disappointing.

Mira and Freed were cooking food, the rest were slacking off. Even Elfman was lying under one of the umbrella, as if he melted from the heat. Same goes for Evergreen and Bickslow.

Laxus sighed and walked towards Freed and Mira. He passes through the barrier Freed casted just fine. They didn't even notice his presence at first. Just how carefree are they...

But at least, they were waiting for him.

As soon as he reaches them, he tells everything that happened. They tried to make a plan while eating breakfast, but ended up rejecting each one.

At last, the only plan everyone agreed on was really simple minded, storm the base and seize Draken. If they gain the influence over this Fallen Petals gang, and subsequently on the city, then everything will be easy. With how little informed Veronica was about politics, they just have to erase the record of them being as dark guild members, and life would be easy here.

Well this plan was trash to be honest. A reckless one. If a normal person executed this, they would have failed without doubt. But the people who thought of this plan weren't normal ones...

It was decided to rendezvous at the broken statue, which was an easy sight to find. Freed had to stay behind, against his wish, to figure out any and every information from the picture book Laxus bought from Kritz.

Also, one person was required at the camp to look out for their belongings... which was just another excuse to make Freed stay, since his barrier was more than enough for security.

Laxus left for the city first. The others were taking too much time to get ready. Near the statue, he found the cart of Kritz selling books at the same place. Kritz identified that hood from distance, and decided to meet up with Laxus when he gestured him to.

They both stood beside the statue. Laxus talked to Kritz about this Draken's hideout and other related info. He found the name of the gang pretty contradicting to the name of the city, which is Veronica.

Apparently, Draken doesn't use magic but no one is Veronica is as skilled as him when it comes to swordsmanship. He even has a special sword that can't be broken.

The members of Fallen Petals aren't individually impressive, but their numbers was about 100.

And, since there was nothing more to talk about, he and Kritz were now standing awkwardly in the scorching heat of sun.

Back to present

"Brother, They are quite late aren't they..." Kritz says, trying to sound as formal as possible. His accent was still a problem.

Laxus ignores him. The sun, this full body hood, Kritz and now his teammates... everyone is annoying.

"You aren't saying anything... Brother? Hehe." Kritz tries to start conversation once again. But this time he is silenced by a annoyed glare of Laxus.

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