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The guild he wanted to avoid



Note- IDK what to write in these short notes anymore. Any suggestion? Not that I expect any answer... ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

The train slowly reaches towards it's final stop, Magnolia. Everytime it stopped, Lucy glanced outside hoping to see the signboard stating,
"Welcome yo Magnolia"
But the announcement of the TC made her disappointed each time.

10 hours had passed since the journey began by now. But the group had not ran out of stories to tell each other. Gray however felt asleep. He was using Happy as a pillow.

"And so, the united team of guilds stopped Nirvana and master of Cait shelter disappeared. Wendy had nowhere to go so we invited her to our guild." Erza concludes the tale to Lucy.

"That must be really hard on her..." Lucy says sympathetically.

"Don't worry. Everything is all right now." Erza replies optimistically.

The train stops, throwing out Gray off his seat.

"Another station huh?" Lucy says halfheartedly.

"This one is Magnolia" Happy says waking up from his dream about a bathtub filled with fishes.

"Hey you just woke up---"

"We have arrived at our last stop Magnolia. All passengers kindly take care of their belongings." The TC announces.

"No way?!" Lucy gasps.

"Well that's Happy for ya." Gray says rising up from the ground. His fall was completely ignored by his comrades.


"Let's go then." Lucy says standing up excitedly.

"Are you sure....ehhh?" Gray asks.

Erza and Lucy looks at Gray with confused looks.

"He is talking about you outfit. You look ugly in them." Happy declares still half-asleep.

"Stupid cat..." Gray curses quietly, turning his face towards the exit of the train.

"You are right...." Lucy says finally feeling embarrassed. She looks outside from the window, towards the station. People had started moving out already.

"Don't worry about it. A girl should never let her outer appearance get the best of her inner beauty." Erza says getting up, ready to leave.

"You can say it because you are already so gorgeous..." Lucy mumbles.

"Also Lucy-" Erza adds. "-don't tell the guild about the dragon spirit yet. Some people might not digest it calmly."

"Aye." Happy raises his paw in agreement.

Lucy gives a slight nod of acknowledgement.

Gray was already waiting at the exit. Erza and Happy starts leaving.

"Hey wait for me!" Lucy pleads as she walks slowly.

The group leaves the station. There was a huge crowd, which was only normal considering it's a railway station. Everyone was walking casually, except Lucy. She was feeling insecure in her pink nightsuit.

She turns to Erza and asks, "Hey Erza... you said you packed my stuff with yours... So, I was wondering where it is."

Erza looks at her shoulder, gesturing Lucy to look behind.

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