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saturday night

her heart was racing, and her skinny fingers were twirling her hair long brown a million miles an hour, faster than a tornado.

she stopped abruptly, her hair tangles into a giant ball. she sighed and started pulling it apart.

after she had loosened the knot, she saw headlights bouncing down the road, approaching her house.

she got excited, smiling big. she tucked her excitement away, composing herself and hiding her smile.

she looked down and tucked her hair behind her ears, placing her necklace just right.

she took a deep breath as the car pulled behind the others, crossing her arms and cocking her hip out.

help me sweet Jesus, give me strength she silently prayed.

she saw a big blonde mound of curls in the passenger seat, and immediately knew it was sav.

she saw a smile grow on her face, just as she saw one on his.

his door whipped open, and he completely engulfed her in his arms, hugging her so tight.

she hugged him back, hoping he would never leave again.


oh god, oh god! she's so beautiful, I need to feel her in my arms right now.

he opened his door violently, running full speed to scottie. he hugged her tight, picking her up and swinging her around.

he set her back down and smiled as he looked in her beautiful blue eyes, admiring everything about her in that sweet blissful moment.

without thinking, he leaned in and kissed her, cupping her face at the same time. it was long and sweet, just how he'd always wanted it to be.

"oh, sav. i missed you so much. please do that again!"

so, he did. he kissed her once more, smiling into it.

"oh man, ick, ick, ick!" dav and scottie whipped their heads around to see a little brunette boy, along with his accomplices. they were giggling and "ewing" and "icking" and making vomit sounds.

scottie was completely embarrassed, and she blushed while smiling into her hand that was now covering her mouth.

sav giggled, and joe came up behind them carrying bags.

"that's enough of that, then?" Joe chuckled, breaking the blush from scottie's face.

she smiled a toothless grin at sav, and put her arm in his. she pulled sav into the foyer.

sav breathed it all in, looking at the grand scene before him. it was completely different than the way it was many months before.

so many people were sitting in her living room, mothers reading to their children, music playing, children running around and playing. his heart felt happy for her, knowing this is exactly what she needed for so long.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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