4• 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒈𝒔 & 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒚

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𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

"I would love to, darling."

she was quiet for a moment, hiding her face behind her hair.

"oh- uhm- alright. i-it's a little chilly, you might want a jacket." she barely formed the sentence.

sav picked this up right away, his heart leaping in his chest. "no, its alright. I'll be fine."

she took his hand and led him in the back through some woods on a bare trail. eventually lights came into view, and a little house sat right in front of them both.

she guided him around it, a busy street coming into view. little shops were littered on either sides, the road made of bricks.

she pulled him down the street, waving at various people and smiling.

that's my sweet scottie...

the shops were bustling, restaurants, clubs and shops all around. it seemed like something from an alternate universe to him.

but to scottie, it was just mere reality.

he ran beside her down the street, the humid summer air filling their lungs.

in that moment sav looked over and saw his best friend, and the love of his life, looking completely content. he never stopped running, knowing if he did he would never catch up. a large smile painted her face, leaving him breathless and in awe.

suddenly, scottie grabbed his hand and yanked him into a pub. he stumbled in behind her, taking a look at the different faces inside.

the small room was filled with men, and very few women. some happy, some sad, all drinking a beverage.

feeling like some type of intruder, he kept his eyes glued on scottie's back. she grabbed his arm, pulling him down with her at the long bar.

they sat down on blue stools, scottie placing her chin in her hand, looking directly into sav's eyes.

he felt in that moment that he could just press his lips against hers, giving her all his affection.

he felt a strong tug at his heart to do it, but there was something keeping him from it.

god, if only you knew what you do to me, scottie.

he finally mustered it up within himself. she was looking away, her eyes focused on something across the bar.

just as he began to lean in, she turned her head the opposite way, looking in the direction in which her name was yelled from.

if he had kept going in, he wouldve gotten a face full of brown hair.

still, not that bad. he thought.

she got up, leaving him sitting alone in the foreign place.

she walked towards a buff man with a white apron. he looked toothless, and had a balding head of long hair. in all honesty, he looked like something out of a bizarro movie.

still she walked towards him, outstretched arms. she hugged him tight. there was no doubt that she was good friends with him.

"twigs!!" she yelled.

sav's face twisted into confusion, and he wanted to burst into laughter at the name.

adequate name for him, I guess.

this man, twigs, picked her up and hugged her close to him. of course, her being scottie, hugged him back just as tight.

after a little chat, scottie went back to her stool and twigs slipped behind the counter.

he took one look at sav and whispered behind his hand to scottie,

"who's the blonde?" a thick Irish accent weighing each of his words.

a giggle escaped her, putting twigs into a little state of shock as if he'd asked the wrong question.

"no, no twigs. that's my bestest friend Sav." she replied. "sav, meet twigs. twigs, meet sav."

the two very different men said little greetings, not putting much energy into either one of them.

scottie slapped both of their hands that were resting on the counter, making sav jump. he was obviously nervous and tense, but she knew exactly how to loosen him up.

"twigs, can you get me my usual whiskey and please get my friend here any beer, please."

she looked at him, noticing the surprise on his face.

"since when have you been drinking whiskey, scottie?!" sav asked. he had no idea she was into such strong drinks.

"oh, since i can rememeber... uh... since about maybe five years ago? that and vodka are my favorites." she smiled and nodded her head matter-of-factly.

utter shock consumed his expression as he watched twigs slide her a glass of whiskey, scottie downing it in about five seconds.

sav drank his beer, keeping himself quiet while she ordered another glass.

about two hours later, the intoxicated duo stumbled back through the woods to the old house, laughing, giggling, and hiccuping like old drunken sailors.

they gripped eachother's clothes again for dear life, almost falling a few times.

the very disoriented friends stumbled into the house and eventually made it up the stairs.

scottie shuffled with sav down the hall and back to his room, following him in and collapsing onto his bed.

"come oooonnnnn scoottiieeeee...." sav slurred out, trying to push her off the bed.

"noooo savvv im soooo tiredd" she barely formed the sentence between hiccups.

"oh whateverr you brat..." sav's eyes were heavy and he was too drunk to be able to completely understand the situation, so he just jumped into the bed right next to scottie.

"good night scottie."

"good nightt savvv"

right after she whispered out her sleep tight wishes, sav planted a little kiss on her forehead, immediately closing his eyes and falling asleep.

this shocked scottie, but made her happy nonetheless. her heart leaped, her little crush blooming in her heart.

Wherever you go, whatever you do
You know these reckless thoughts of mine are following you
I've fallen for you, whatever you do
'Cause, baby, you've shown me so many things that I never knew
Whatever it takes, baby, I'll do it for you.


𝗋𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀: '𝖲𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗇' 𝖨𝗇' -𝖲𝗎𝗓𝗂 𝖰𝗎𝖺𝗍𝗋𝗈 & 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌 𝖭𝗈𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇

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