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𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐨𝐧

he hugged her tight, fearful that if he didnt she would drift away. I dont think I'll be able to let go again.

he finally let go and set her down, her little stature was fragile against his tall one. that same brilliant smile painted her face. when she spoke, his heart twisted and squeezed like a little schoolboy's when he's in love.

"I've missed you so so so much!!" she squealed, wrapping her arms back around him again, almost knocking him over. little hints of her southern accent weighing her words into his mind.

they stood there for a moment, just smiling wide at eachother.

"come on... let's go." sav said, picking up her basket of flowers and opening the passenger door for her. she happily hopped in, crossing her legs in the seat, showing off her flexibility and small size.

they drove the little ways down the road, arriving at the enormous, old plantation type house.

she hopped out, along with sav. he grabbed his duffel, and scottie grabbed his hand and chuckled as she pulled him with her into the house.

it was his first time being at her home, and he was a little surprised.

in the main entry hall was a grand chandelier, hanging over large hardwood floors. he'd never seen anything like this in a house before.

while he marveled at the little here-and-there fixtures, scottie sauntered into the main living room, where she put on one of her favorite albums. Billy Joel's The Stranger.

while she danced to her favorite track like a big goof, sav stood and watched her, unable to stifle his laughter. soon enough, he joined in.

after a long while of dancing and raving, Scenes from an Italian Restaurant faded out and they stood there panting, looking at eachother's sweat drenched faces.

scottie stood up straight, and clapped a hand over her mouth.

"how rude of me! I haven't even shown you where you'll be sleepin'."

she grabbed his hand once more, sending tingles up his arm. she dragged him to the end of the staircase. she leaned against the staircase while describing the floor plans.

"now, there's three floors. each floor has about two to four bedrooms. the house in total has eleven bedrooms. I sleep on the third...."

her voice faded out into nothing as sav concentrated on her face, the way she pronounced her words, moving her hands around to explain things. the way her lips moved, and how her bright blue eyes sparkled.

he snapped back into reality at her words. "okay, rick. now you pick. which will it be?"

he scowered his mind for the last words he caught.... third. he wanted to be as close as he could to her at all times, and sleeping alone on one floor would be a little unsettling.

"uh- uhmm... third?" he said, coiling back as if she would deny him of the space.

she smiled and looked back up into his eyes.

"sure thing!" she said sweetly, bringing a smile to his face.

before he could think, she had grabbed his luggage and was racing up the stairs. she didn't stop, skipping 2 stairs each time. he finally caught up with her after peeking in every room, finally finding her at the very end room. before going inside, he looked out the end window, the country valley stretching for miles.

he stepped inside, looking around the plenty spacious room. directly in front of him was a big window with a seat with many pillows, in which scottie was perched upon.

there was a king size bed, with tons of pillows and a few blankets scattered across it, but neatly placed. off to the side was a bathroom, the theme obviously flowers. there was no other artificial sources of light in the room other than two lamps on either side of the bed, with bright golden shades.

the bright mid-day sun shone throughout the room, painting it a light orange and pink.

"well, I'll let you get settled in while I go downstairs and put together a meal." she said, slipping out of the room.

"oh, uh, scottie?" he spoke up.

"mhmm rick?" she replied, peeking her head back into the room.

"two things. one, you can call me sav, and two, thank you so much for letting me stay here for this week. I'm really grateful that I can visit you and stay in this amazing home." he said with a smile, bringing one to her face.

"well, you're most welcome, sav." she made sure to exaggerate the last word, making sure he knew that she understood.

the way that his nickname rolled off her tongue with such leisure... sent tingles throughout him.

he listened as her soft footsteps faded out and he heard her walk down the stairs. he smiled and chuckled to himself, feeling like that little school boy with a measly crush.

while he unpacked, a soft tune drifted up from the loud record player on the first floor while scottie's steady singing voice paired beautifully with it.

Any time, any day
You can hear the people say,
That love is blind, well, I dont know
but I say love is kind

Soldier boy, kisses girl
leaves behind the tragic world
But he won't mind, he's in love
and he says love is fine....


𝗋𝖾𝖿𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀: '𝖫𝗂𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖬𝖺𝗇 𝖲𝖺𝗂𝖽' -𝖶𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌

well, than. how was that?

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