12• 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔 & 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒔

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thursday evening

sav sat surrounded by his bandmates in his living room. after all arriving home, they came over to his house, as usual for some drinks and catching up.

he knew it had only been a couple days, they had all gone different places and experienced different things.

he wasnt too keen on sharing his time yet. his heart twisted at the thought of leaving her there, not taking her with him. leaving her alone. her words sunk into every crevace of his mind:

"maybe you can save me from dying here!"

he looked around the room at his laughing friends, and laughed along with them to avoid suspicion.

joe finished off his beer and cleared his throat.

"so, sav. how was your time?"

his mind raced. oh I gotta tell em? shit... what do I say? so much happened...

before he could really come up with anything else, he blurted out: "well, I fell in love."

rick choked on his drink. "no? you?"

steve and phil looked at eachother and laughed.

"tell us." joe commanded.

"well, it's scottie."

"ooooooo" they all chirped in unison.

"she- well, I dont know how to put it. have any of you actually seen her?"

they all looked at eachother and shook their heads. they scooted up in their seats to hear sav better.

"well, let me tell you. if you ever do meet her, you'll understand. she's a gem, she's perfect. she's so sweet, funny, smart, and so damn gorgeous. gives me every reason out there to love her. and joe, when you called, I was just about to tell her. I dont know when I'm going to see her again, but when I do I need to tell her."

"ah, man. sorry. didn't know you were having such a good time. but, work is work."

"yeah, yeah. I know. no apology necessary." he closed his eyes and remembered how scottie looked pulling him with her through her vast open fields and pastures, leading him through a life he wished was his to keep.

"its just, I dont know when I'll see her again. and it hurts. actually."

"well whatre you waiting for?!" joe drunkenly yelled at him.

sav flinched and looked up at him, surprised by how loud his voice was.

"what?" he asked

"why dont you talk to her?"

"uhh.. she's in another country?"

"call her, stupid!"

"oh!" he said, realising his ignorance. "but, I dont know what time it is there. what if I wake her up?"

"you have to take chances sometimes." rick chimed in.

"no, well..."

"oh my god!" joe said impatiently, slapping his hands on his knees and standing up. he swayed on his feet a little.

he walked over to the phone and picked up the yellow reciever. "want me to do it for you? you need to talk to her."

sav really didnt want to bother her. "you dont know her number..." he quietly mumbled.

𝓻𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓼𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓰𝓮  |  𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲 Where stories live. Discover now