3• 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒉

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𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

sav sat alone in his room, thinking about scottie as her sweet voice drifted all throughout the house. he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, thinking of a way to tell her how he felt.

everytime he came up with something that was remotely good, his own anxieties and fears blocked the way.

he could either ruin the marvelous friendship, or begin something even better.

he was awoken from these thoughts by scottie knocking on the large oak door and whispering his name.

"come in." sav said, feeling relieved to see her pretty face again.

"uh, I've got some food downstairs if you're hungry. since it's so pretty we can eat 'round back if you'd like." she said, her hands behind her back, a hopeful look in her eye.

"yes, I'd love that!" he almost yelled.

she waved him over, "come on, than, before it all gets cold."

she smiled and laughed, and swiftly left the same way she came.

he followed her down the stairs, watching her small hand slide down the soft wood railing, stopping abruptly at the end of the first flight of stairs.

she turned around and looked at him, then gestured for him to stand next to her.

"now, this is how I get around these big stairs fast."

she looked at him for reassurance to make sure he was listening, getting a nod from him.

"here, just watch. it isnt that hard."

she then grabbed hold of the railing, flinging herself over the banisters and into the next flight of stairs, landing on a very worn spot.

sav looked at her, knowing that little stunt was not going to be easy.

she laughed playfully, then motioned for him.

"your turn!" she yelled.

"oh, I dont know, love." he scratched the back of his neck. his heart sped up when he caught her blushing madly, the light pink bringing out her freckles.

"I know I'll break a leg." he leaned over, looking at her, hands on her little hips, peering back up at him.

"oh, alright. just gotta promise me you'll try."

he nodded.

instead, he grabbed onto both of the railings on either side and catapulted himself down about 8 stairs, landing on his knees right in front of her.

she blushed again,

damn it. he thought. why does she have to be so precious.

a giggle escaped her as she grabbed onto his shoulders, laughter completely overcoming him.

soon enough, they were falling over eachother laughing, gripping eachother's clothes for dear life.

once the laughter faded out, scottie was left dreamily looking into sav's eyes, making him blush, as well as other things...

"you know I'm very glad you're here, right?" she asked him softly. he nodded and smiled. he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then stopped.

"oh! I forgot. lets run and get our food before it gets cold." she suggested, to which they both got up and sprinted down the stairs, sliding into the rug at the bottom, crashing into the sofa.

they made their ways into the kitchen.

on the worn counter sat two steaks and broccoli, with fried okra as another side.

they grabbed their meals, and sav followed scottie out to the wrap around porch.

she sat down on the edge of the high porch, her smooth looking legs hanging over the side.

she had 2 glass bottles of Coca-Cola with her.

"er- uh.. love? bottle opener?" she looked at him in a surprised way, that same little pink blush spreading all over her face.

something clicked behind her eyes in that moment, and he read it in her face.

she grabbed his bottle and put the rim of the cap on the edge of the wooden porch, then pushed down. the cap popped off, and she slid the bottle back into his hand.

"uhm, thanks?" he chuckled, unfamiliar with her method of opening bottles.

she giggled again, stabbing her steak with the large knife she took from the kitchen.

after 3 hours of eating and catching up, the sun had set and left them in the dark, the crescent moon shining down, barely lighting anything.

scottie gathered their plates, then went into the pitch black house. sav walked around on the porch, eventually sitting in a rocking chair.

she came back out with a little sweater on her previously bare shoulders.

"I have an idea, sav." she said to him, sitting in the rocking chair opposite him.

"theres a little pub around here, just a few minutes. would you wanna go?" she asked, her perfectly shaped eyes gazing into his.

his eyes searched her face, then landed on a little dark imperfection that wasnt there before. he instinctively licked his thumb, then swiped it over the corner of her mouth, picking it up, leaving her speechless.

he looked down at her, feeling an overwhelming rush of love for scottie.

You know I get so weary
from the battles in this life
And there's many times it seems that you're the only hope in sight
Is it mine?
Oh Lord is it mine?


referenced song: 'Lord is it Mine' -Supertramp

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