11• 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓

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thursday morning

sav trudged down the stairs, carrying his luggage. scottie followed him down, holding a jacket for him.

sav peeked through scottie's golden sheers that gently hung from the top of the glass bay doors that looked out into the backyard. he sighed, little memories coming back.

they had just eaten, and they both knew that it was time for sav to leave. scottie glanced at the clock, it read '5:16 am'.

he took a look up at the cieling and noticed the chandelier. he took a deep breath and took one last look at the warm country house. he knew how much he would miss this.

they both went outside, making their way to sav's parked car. he slowly opened the door, throwing his bag in the back. scottie carefully laid his jacket on the passenger seat.

he made his way back around the car. he stood in front of scottie, searching her face. her heart ached, and her stomach turned.

she wanted to reach out and grab him, preventing him from leaving.

he sighed and looked her over, his lips pressed together.

he noticed her bony feet that slightly faced inward, how tan they were. he noticed the torn hem of her dress that dropped to her feet, strings hanging off of it. her dress tied around her hips, he guessed the dress was made for someone taller and it was made to tie around the stomach, but her shorter stature prevented that. he noted her arms, how strong they looked. her soft hair was draped around her shoulders, her short little fingers twirling it, her other bony hand with evident veins resting on her chest. a few gold and simple diamond and gem rings placed on her fingers.

"scottie..." he started.

she looked up, a glossy sheen of tears covering her eyes.

"sav." she returned.

he reached out and hugged her, scottie burying her head in his chest.

I'm not ready to be alone again.

they pulled apart without words, but shared a glance.

"see you later..." sav said.

"in a spell." she replied.

he got into his car, starting his car. he rolled down the window and scottie stuck her head in.

"thank you so much, scottie."

"absolutely rick." she said with a heartbroken smile.

he shifted gears and started down the road, leaving scottie behind him.

she watched him go, staying strong. she watched as his car disappeared over the horizon, then the familiar sense of loneliness and fear came back.

she waved until the tears started streaming down her face, then she escaped back into the big white house.

sav kept driving, careful not to look back. he felt so many emotions, he felt the sting of tears in his eyes, and he let a few fall.

I'm gonna miss that darling girl...

he quickly swiped them away and made his way to the airport.

timeskip to thursday afternoon

sav pulled into his driveway, tired from the trip back home. he tiredly rubbed his eyes, looking over into his passenger seat.

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