{Hope}Sanemi x reader\smut

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Also light smut warning 

(No one requested anything...so...yeah...also how do I get popular on here!?)

"No hope." You said, watching every shooting star pass by. There was no hope for you. That's at least what you thought. Y/N Shagmi. One of the towns "letdowns". Someone who means nothing. After your parents abandoned you, your grandparents took you in. You still feel like nothing to anyone though. Then you remembered. Today. The Fruit stand.


"I'll take this one." You said, stocking up on apples. You were at the farmers market, just shopping, when someone bumped into you. "Ara Ara! I'm very sorry!" A voice said. You turned around. A hashira? What are they doing here?She had a butterfly Haori and her hair was unique, purple and black. However, your eyes shifted to someone else.

He had Fluffy White hair. He had abs with scars and looked angry, yet sweet. Your heart started racing. "No it's ok!" You said, as both of them stared at you. You decided to leave, figuring there were probably demons around, since the hashira were here.So it was best to return home. Well, you would soon regret that..a lot. As you walked in, you smelt the smell of a corpse. Looking down, it was all red. Well, your feet and the floorboards.

You see your grandparents, one with their head sliced open and the other with their brains and leg missing. They were un-identifiable. You stared in horror and ran to the woods. You fell asleep after that, the crying has tired you out. soon walking up to moonbeams on your face, you sat up.

*end of flashback*

You exhaled. Only 18 and I have to deal with this?well....18 isn't that little but.....that's not the point. Then you heard a stick break. Your mind immediately thought demons. It's nighttime, their favorite time. You never had slaying experience. What the heck do I do? You just crept back, seeing a body approach you. Then you realized. That guy! It's him!

"Who are you?" You asked, stopping. He looked up at you. "You're that girl from the market. I was taking a walk, what the hell are you doing here? Don't you have a family?" He asked crossing his arms. "I wish...demons." I said looking at the moon. His eyes softened, but not too much. "Come with me." He said.

My heart started racing again. "S-sure!" I said. He walked forward, and I followed him. It was silent, but eventually I made it to what I assumed to be his home. "Wow...it's huge here." I said in awe. My house was a small 2 bedroom hut. "Yeah." He said. He brought me inside. "You can only stay here tonight. I shouldn't have people at my mansion." He said. Way to ruin the fun dude. Nice. I said in my head. "Oh.I'm Sanemi Shinagawa. The wind hashira." He said walking to the kitchen. "Oh! Hello Sanemi! I'm y/n Shagmi." You said, bowing. "You're home is very nice." You said looking around.

The town you lived in was not too small, but everyone was poor or middle class, so you weren't used to homes like this. "You need new clothes, huh?" He asked. "Probably. But if it's any trouble-.." you stopped. He was looking at you. You're heart was about to jump out your chest. "Its not." He said getting up. "Here come take a shower." He said. 

Now your heart was really racing. "Shit what if I'm not alone! My body isn't in shape right now!" "Oh! Ok!" You said following him. He took off his haori, and you took of your coat. "Are we gonna shower together or something?" You ask innocently. "Well I only have one shower if that answers your question. That's if you're ok with it." He said looking away. "GAHHH! YESSS! I'm not a usually horny person, but this is gonna be wild! You say in your mind. 

He walks out and closes the door, you hear the shower start to run. "This is gonna be wild." You say quietly. You undress completely. You see his mirror and finger brush your hair. You looked pretty good, that's in your option at least. Then you hear the door open to a nude Sanemi.

"Cmon." He scoffs. You don't look down there, but to not tempt yourself, you smile, closing your eyes. You walk towards him, as he admires your body. You walk in his bathroom and step in the shower. He steps in too, closing the door. I wonder if he can hear how loud your heart is, you were very worried he would think you were weird.

3rd person pov:

As they stepped into the shower, y/n was nervous. More over, Sanemi felt differently. He had thought she was cute when he saw her at the market. He forgot about her, thinking nothing would ever work out. More over, he went into the woods and found her! 

They looked into eachothers eyes, wondering what to do. Sanemi then grabbed y/n's hips. She touched his abs, and they both leaned in. After their kiss, Sanemi pushed y/n next to the shower wall, turned her face a hot red, as he made out with her. As the 2 finished the make out session, Y/n hugged Sanemi and kissed his neck, turning Sanemi red too. She left multiple Hickeys on his neck, as well as his collarbone. As Sanemi's hands grazed all over y/n's body, she got more vulnerable, getting more flushed each time. They soon stopped and then ended the shower session. 

As they stepped out and opened the door, they both smiled. "This should be interesting." Y/n said staring at the bed.

I would do a pt.2 but I'm not good at heavy smut...I'll save that for later and let you guys imagine the ending. Also I'm sorry this was so fast paced...😭😭

Let this be viral pls...-Funfungirl513😋✌️

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