{Childhood friends} pt.2

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I opened the door to Giyuu asleep. "That was fast." I said aloud. I then realized I forgot the bandages. I quietly opened the door to prevent Giyuu from waking up. I walked back to the desk, and the supplies were there. I got them and walked back into the room. 

I once again quietly closed the door, and Giyuu was still asleep. I set down the glass of water and the bandages. I started to un-ravel the bandages, and Giyuu woke up. "Oh, you're up." I said. "Y-yeah." He said, holding his head. "Do you have a headache?" I asked him. "No...just waking up makes my body hurt." He said. 

"Oh...I see...let me take of the bandages and put on new ones." You say tearing off some. He starts to take off the blood soaked ones, and that gives you a nice look at his abs. You're heart started racing. You then had to actually touch them. You slowly wrapped the bandages around his stomach. However, despite that, you saw how huge the gash was. He had a huge gash like cut on his stomach. "That must hurt a lot, huh Giyuu?" You ask him.

"Yes." He says, still un-emotional. "Giyuu?" You ask, sitting on the side of his bed, since you finished up his bandages. "Hmm?" He asks, sitting up a bit more. "Did something happen? You seem really upset..." you said. "Nothing really." He says. You, not even thinking, stroke his face and smile. "Don't be upset." You say. You then felt his face turn red and chuckle a bit. 


A sigh left my lips as I rode home on my bike. Fired!? I asked myself. I had really gotten fired? I mean sure...I had just forgotten to come to work a few days and refused to cover shifts. Despite that, you needed a new job. ASAP.

You parked your bike in front of your house. Well, your new house. The house you just bought with the money you earned from your now non-existent home. Nice. You were now all covered when it came to being broke. You walked in and locked the door, passing up the dinner you had made last night for tonight. You were tired enough.

Walking up the stairs, you made it to your room. You changed into a silk nightgown. It wasn't just any nightgown though. It was a sexy lingerie nightgown, one you bought just because why not. Just as you made your bed, you heard something hit  on your balcony. "What the?" You said. 

You walk over to open your curtains. As they flung open, you saw him. Giyuu tomioka. What is he doing here. He knocked on your window and gave you somewhat of a smile, looking at your attire. You blushed madly opening the window. "What's up?" You ask him.

As he walked in, He took off his haori, put his sword down, and sighed. "I'm off so I thought I'd come visit you." He said looking you up and down. Your face then got flushed again. "Oh...thanks." You said turning around to go sit down.

Suddenly, Giyuu's arms enveloped your waist. "I missed you, y/n." He says into your ear. "Same..here Giyuu." You say, not expecting him to even touch you. "Do you want to like freshen up in my bathroom?" You ask him. "Yes." He says, walking there, with another emotionless stare. 

I open the door to the bathroom and he gives me somewhat of a smile. I left to go ur on some perfume. I used a floral scent, then sat on my bed. I sigh. This will be very interesting. Suddenly, you hear him coming towards you. You sit up, noticing he's shirtless (he took off the upper part of the hashira uniform)

He walks over to you and sits next to you. He looks so sad... "I'm sorry Giyuu....I wish I could've stayed with you." You say, hugging him. You just feel comfortable around him. After you pull away, you look at eachother. Analyzing his face, you look at his eyes. They were unique...the way they faded. They were a dark blue, but faded into a lighter blue. 

As you were lost into giyuu's eyes, you didn't notice him getting closer, then you fell on your bed. "Giyuu I-" you were stopped by giyuu's lips on yours, as his hands squeezed your legs. Soon, you rolled over on top of Giyuu and played with his hair, as if he left hickies onto your neck. 

After about 20 minutes, Giyuu was laying on your chest, asleep. "This is so peaceful..." you thought, still stroking his hair.

Scared if I right smut it's gonna be horrible...-Funfungirl513 

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now