rengoku & giyuu- love triangle

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"I'm in a love triangle...." i admitted, much to Maiko's dismay. "With one else is attractive, besides uzui." she says, folding her arms to observe my situation. "Aww that's not true! Rengoku and Giyuu ARE cute!" i blurt out.

Letting out a light chuckle, she says "Well, why do you like them and why do you think they like you?" 

I contemplated on that. "I just get a vibe, and giyuu asked me to help him fix his sword...but i think it's only becua my dad was a blacksmith, so i know stuff and-..." putting my finger over my lip, i feel embarrassed. 

"I should've told Mitsuri about this instead..."i say grumpily. "Aww cmon y/n,.." she says, giving me a smirk. "Well. i'm on my way to giyuu's." i say, standing up.

Walking over to giyuu's, i have a sick feeling in my stomach. Not like i'm gonna get hurt, like something sexual was to happen. I wasn't against it, but getting that feeling from giyuu, even after being a pillar for a while, was odd in itself. I brush it off as i open the door. Heading to giyuu, i hear the sound of another man.

Not just any man....kyojoro rengoku!? can't be...i have to be hearing things. I run into his living room. Just as i had suspected, there they were. Out in the open, their usual uniforms being on. "Y/N, you're here just in time." giyuu says.

"yes. you need help with your sword?" i ask. "Oh yes," he starts, "follow me.." he says. I walk with him, following him into his bedroom, which was very organized might i add. "So what exactly is wrong," i start to say, before rengoku quickly closed the door.

"Y/n." he says, in his dark and husky voice. "Yes?" i ask, feeling the knot in my stomach re-appear. Walking over to me, i feel his hand around my waist. Giyuu then joins in, caressing my face. "Y/n. do you like me or rengoku better?" he says, getting straight to the point.

"I uh-i don't know...." i say. Gosh...was he a mind reader? He knew exactly what i was thinking. "Y/n, do we have your consent to..touch you?" rengoku asks shyly.

Everything was spinning and going by so fast..."yes." i gulp. Feeling giyuu immediately throwing off my shirt, he grabs my whole body, and grabs it from the side of the bed, to on top of it. How nice..i think to myself. 

Rengoku pulls off my skirt, to where i have just shorts on. Obviously that didn't intimidate him at all. While giyuu was busy giving me neck and chest hickeys, rengoku was giving my hickeys just barely above my thighs. It was like an electrical sensation was running through my body...such a turn on.

I knew both of the boys would get turned on by my moans, so i suppressed them. But, after both of them took off my bra and panties, i knew i couldn't hold back what was about to happen. As rengoku started to move to a different position, Giyuu started sucking my breats, as rengoku's mouth entered my pussy.

Letting out slow moans, they started to go faster, which made me moan more and squirm as well. This was going to be a very long night.

Well, my whole series is done, I hope you enjoyed this fanfic ❤️❤️😏 had to end it off with a threesome!

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now