Uzui oneshot (pt.2)

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"So...I've heard you have been cheating on my tests?" He asks looking at you dead in the eye. "! I wouldn't cheat!" You say as your cheeks get all red. "It's not like that, I wouldn't! Who told you that anyways!" You say getting upset. 

He stands up and walks to you with a smirk. You feel your face flush, as you look down. He raises his hands to your shoulders, and holds them. Within a quick second, he pulls you into him.  Hugging you and twisting his fingers around your hair, you look up at him with yours eyes all dreamy. 

He brushes his fingers against your face, then stares at your lips. You develop a partial smirk as he does this. "Cheating?" You say wrapping your arms around him, as you stand on your tippy toes. As you feel him getting hard, you wrap your legs around his waist, you put your lips closer. His face gets red as well. He looks to the side, signaling you to get down. You put your feet down, then walk across the room and close the door.

"Dang." You think to yourself. "He's hotter when I'm closer." As you turn around, he walks to his desk. You walk to his desk as well, to see your paper on his desk. I'm gonna sit down on his lap.

You go to sit down, giving him a smile as you blushed, and say down on his lap, feeling his bulge. "So-...about- you're...p.ap.." he said looking down as you sat in his lap. "You'll give me and A..right? Mr. Uzui."you say, adding emphasis to his name. His face was already tomato red.

"Sure." He says, as his hands make their way to your thighs. You turn around to face him, as you feel his dick getting harder as you lean in closer. This should be nice. You think.

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now