Uzui x reader/some fluff

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(I hate teacher x student stuff but in this oneshot Uzui and the student are both over 18)

"Stay after school today?!" You told your best friend in the hallways of your art college. "Hmm...that's weird" she says clicking her tongue. "Maybe he's being nice and letting you raise your grade, you did say you were failing." You both walked into your last hour. It was graphic design. However, that was the last of your thoughts.

Why would Mr.Uzui need me after class? Sure..,my grade is pretty bad...but it's not like that bad! You say in your head, pulling out some papers. The whole class out has no focus. The only thing you thought to yourself was "why would he need me?" Mr. Uzui  NEVER let students bring up their grades. Why would he cut the system for you? *ringgg* the bells goes off. Your heart starts beating wildly. Because there was a little secret. Your feelings. You really thought Mr. Uzui was something. Cute cute.

As your sneakers help you run, you somehow managed to make it to Mr. Uzui's room. You walk in to see him and 3 other younger female students. "Damn it! It's not just us..." you say in your mind walking up to him. 

"Hello Mr. needed me?" You ask looking around to see the girls using scissors to cut out poster board. "Yes, Mrs. Y/N." He says. "Follow me." As you follow him, the girls give you stares. And you, being mad at them being here, shoot them back worse. "Girls, you can leave. Mrs. Y/N has a late assignment she needs to complete.Thank you." He says as they sigh. You see them pick up their things and angrily huff at you leaving. 

There was something off about this never turned in Late assignments.

GUYS IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING! Anyways, I'll be posting more tomorrow night. A part 2 to this and more things like another reader...probably an Obanai one since he's cute ig

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