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 Hello my lovely readers! I know I haven't been updating as much. It's mainly bc no one ever asks for anything so idk what to write. But today at school, I remembered I haven't wrote about Rengoku yet!

So, here is my posting schedule:

Rengoku x reader

Giyuu x reader 

Uzui x reader

And as always, thank you to my lovely people who vote and help me get this fanfic out there<3

Rengoku x reader

"Ugh!" You say, wiping the sweat off your forehead. Although it came with its perks, being the Crystal hashira wasn't as easy as you expected.

You had been trying to destroy the same huge tree for 20 minutes. Not your favorite activity of the day, at all. "Y/N?" A strong voice said. You turn around to see rengoku.

Your heart skips a beat. You had liked Rengoku for a while. He was not someone you were close to, unfortunately. You somehow ended up being friends with Obanai? He was indeed VERY cold, but it was OKK you guys were still ok with eachother in the end.

Ur pov cuz why not

Rengoku was on the opposite part of the social circle. He was loud, and talkative. So was I, just I never showed it. "Oh, hey Rengoku. What's up?" I ask, feeling my body heat rise up probably a billion degrees.

He laughs his cute loud laugh. I tilt my head in confusion. "I was just coming to check on you. Me and the other hashira are having a party at my mansion." He says.

I stare at him. Does that mean I'm invited or something? But I feel shy asking. "You can come." He says, smiling, folding his arms, and walking away. Gahhhh! My body might explode from excitement. Finally, a guy who treats me right.


I was married at 15. Not to any man, but to a 25 year old creep. He made me cook as he sat in his butt 24/7. One day, when I was 17, I walked in to see a demon eating his body. However, just as soon as I saw the demon, I felt someone grab my wrist.

I was pulled away, and buried in someone's chest. I was flown away, and placed in a small village. Who saved me? The guy I felt in love with at that moment, kyojoro rengoku. My looks have changed a lot, and that makes me wonder...does he remember me?

*end of flashback*

Anyways, I'm 19 now. I had known I had to chase after rengoku. He was obviously a Hashira, so I friended and took the test a few weeks ago. I'm new, but I know with him liking me it'll work.

It was just a get together hashira party, right?? I didn't need to get that fancy.

I chose my favorite party dress. It was a black bodycon dress up to half thigh length.

I loved it, and put on a pair of little heels on, which were white. Then I put my haori over it. My (h/c) was already curled to perfection. I topped off my outfit with some red lipstick.

Walking over to Rengoku's, I was very VERY nervous. I walked in, to see all the hashira.

Giyuu and Shinobu having a little fight, Sanemi and Uzui laughing, and Mitsuri with obanai, both smiling.(well close enough for obanai.)

I don't see gyomei, rengoku, or Muichiro. I walk over to Giyuu and Shinobu. "Hey guys!" I say, waving.

"Hey Y/n! Where's rengoku? Is that what you are thinking?" Shinobu says, smirking. I make an upset and angry face back. "Where though?" I ask. "He's in his room." Giyuu says.

"Where are Muichiro and Gyomei?" I ask them. "They didn't show." They both say in unison. "Oh." I mumble, walking over to Rengoku's room.

My heels make a clacking sound as I walk across the hallway. I knock on his door, waiting as my heart beats loudly. "Come in." I hear his loud, husky voice say. I slowly open the creaky door.

(Random thought: I'm imagining Rengoku's mansion for be like a 1920s theme?? Don't ask.)

His room was very nicely decorated. It was a dark Yellow color. It had a bamboo frame bed, as well as a bamboo desk. He had a small mirror in the Corner, and a coat rack holding his haori.

He had the pants half of his hashira uniform on. He was shirtless, showing off his six pack and his hair in its usual style. He as relaxing on his bed, while having his arms on both sides of him, staring at me curiously.

I could only see him through the small lamp, illuminating his whole room lightly with bright yellow light.

"Why are you missing the party?" I ask, walking towards him, running my hand across the soft sheets. I felt bold tonight, and being around him didn't help.

*fluff warning!* (2nd person)

He crossed his legs, as he looked at me. "I'm not in as much of a party mood as I thought I was, so I'm staying in here until everyone goes home." He says laying his head a little bit more back and closing his eyes.

You sit next to him, laying back as well. "Oh? Then what kind of mood?" You say, smirking, as you turn to face him. He opens one eye, and has a small smile tugging at his lips. "A tired one I guess." He says.

"Oh? Really?" You say, getting up. You walk towards his door, about to open it. However, you hear the mattress creak, and before you could see anything, Rengoku wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you backwards.

You fall on your back, onto his mattress. But, to be more specific, you fall on his legs. "You're leaving early." He says, having a huge smirk plastered on his face. You had no idea what you looked like, but you knew you looked shocked and nervous.

His hands went from your waist to your upper chest, as his hands gripped your breasts. You make a smile, and pull his face towards your chest, as he lays down, smelling the floral perfume you were sporting today. "Maybe the party life isn't for me either. What do you think?" You ask him. He takes another inhale of your perfume, slowly exhaling, as his hot breath touches your skin.

"Yep." He says, moving his head to your neck, sucking down on your warm skin inbetween passionate kisses. You hold his head, playing with his golden hair. "Rengoku..I.." you start.

In the middle of your sentence, you stop, feeling him stop as well, and lift up. He puts his face right in front of you, and kisses you in the lips. He halfway lifts up, and you, being under him, lift up as well, as he runs his hands down your body.

The kisses start to get deeper, and you fall back, your legs kicking up, against his open ones. As you hang onto him around the neck, both of you slowly lift back. "Rengoku?" You ask. "Yes, y/n?" He asks. You start to stand up, and move off the bed. "Nothing." You sigh, pulling of your haori. "I guess I just wanted to hear you saying my name, that's all."

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now