giyuu, part one

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i know all i post is giyuu sorry

"This is our new P.E teacher, Tomioka Giyuu." your teacher says, as you cross your legs and bite your lip.

Damn, you think. He had dark black hair, a muscular body, and a resting bitch face, but a very attractive one. "He will be starting next week." your teacher says, as you lean back a little more, forming a small smirk as he makes eye contact with you and quickly looks away.

[timeskip: next week, day one of P.E]

"For our warmup, i want you to all walk a lap." He says, blowing the whistle. You and your friends start to walk, as you talk. "Lisa. Bro, he's hot." you say, blowing a bubble with some gum.

"Eh. Well they said he's 21, right? and we are both 18, so you have a chance." she says, looking at you, and flipping her hair. "yeah tr-" you stop, as you feel someone push you to the ground, and you hit your knee on the hard ground.

You get a little hint of pain, feeling like it's a brushburn, and stare up to see a guy. He looks at you with pitiful eyes, and opens his mouth to speak.

"i'm sorry i-" he starts. "It's all right." you smile, getting up to go get some help from Mr. Tomioka.

You start to walk over to him as everyone continues their lap. Your stomach starts to do somersaults.

Your skirt was quite short, and today was one of the days you looked flawless, hair and everything. "Mr. Tomioka, i hurt my knee, could you help me out?" you ask, giving him puppy dog eyes.

He looks up at you from his clipboard. "Sure." he says, getting up, emotionless.

"Free period!" he screams to the class, Walking you into his personal office. You walk in. Nothing special, it's just an office. He opens a cabinet, pulling out a band-aid and some ointment. "Hop up." he says, gesturing his desk.

Giyuu's pov:

Damn. This girl, y/n, i had my eye on since day one of seeing her. Yet here she was, in my office, just us, and it's a free period.

She hops on my clean desk, and i see her injure. It's just a little knee scrape. I put some ointment on it, then cover it up with a band-aid. "Mr. Tomioka?" she asks, leaning closer to me.

Just barely inches away, i sigh. "No." i mumble. "oh. i see." she says, smirking. "You know," she starts, hoping down from my desk, as i'm still sitting down. Her hand makes its way to my thigh. "I'm single too." she says.

As i feel something growing, i open my mouth to talk, and the bell rings. "Oh." she says, making her way out. "Y/N." i stop her.

she blushes and turns around. "Yes?" she asks. "Meet me during your free period."

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now