Obanai x readerrr (fluff😋)

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Hey my sluts for Obanai:) #me

You kicked off the diamond encrusted heels you had dreaded wearing the whole day. Taking off the fur coat too as you sat down, you exhaled. I wonder if he's coming. Obanai. You favorite person.

He acted quite cold to you, but you know deep down inside that he trusted you. Even though you acted all bubbly, you trusted him as well. You spread out in your silk sheets. It sucked being in a marriage of convenience. You, 19, female, had been put in an arranged marriage to a very powerful councilman. Your mother had passed away, and your dad was on the brink of death at the time. 

His only dying wish was to see you get married. You wanted to marry obanai, but that could never happen. Your husband felt the same way, not in love, but he didn't see other women. You 2 had to appeal to be in love, for the good of the country. You were a "model" couple around people. In real life, you 2 were very distant.

You met obanai when you where attacked by demons. You were outside tending to the house, while your ill father was still alive. You saw one, but then obanai had saved you, last minute. You loved him since he slashed that demon and asked you if you were ok. That was around 2 years ago.

Ever since then, even though he was busy, he would frequently visit you. You talked about the struggles of life. Even if you liked him, there was seriously no hope of a romance. The closest you ever got to being together was when you cried to him and he hugged you. However, you felt like tonight was gonna be a lonely night.

Suddenly, the door creaks open. There he was. The man of your dreams. As he closed the door quietly behind himself, you stood up. "Oh, hey obanai! How did you make it in here?" You ask as he walks closer. "I convinced the maids to let me in." He says as he looks into your eyes. Just as you start to go hug him, his eyes close as he sighs. "Today has been a long day." He says sitting down on your bed, completely passing you. You look at the floor in disappointment, but walk over to your dresser to put up your jewelry. "Oh, today hasn't been to good either. My husband has been hosting a day long party...it's still going on.." you say. 

Out of no where, you feel the urge. The sudden urge to just go kiss obanai, or even more. However, you brush away those thoughts. "Something on your mind?" He asks, laying back. You walk over to him. You slowly make your way to where you are above him, laying over him. He looks at you, surprised. "Yes. Look at me..." you say seriously. As he gets lost at your beautiful face getting reflected with the moonlight, you lean in closer. You kiss him, and he kisses back.

His hands slowly make their way to your hips. As your hands make their way to his Chest, he grips your hips harder. As much as you love the kiss, you rise up, only for him to grab your face and pull you down. You kiss again, as he rolls on top of you now. Suddenly, your body starts to heat up. This is NOT like him.

He pulls his lips away, not noticing you. You slowly pull up your dress to where it hits right at the start of your thighs. He looks down at the new length of your short dress and his hands slowly go to your thighs. As you smirk and blush, your hands go to his face, you cup his face and push it towards your chest.

His hot face makes its way to your chest, making you heat up as well. You start to get very tired, and yawn. As you start to fall asleep, obanai holds your hand and kisses your forehead. You slowly drift away to the smell of him.

If someone comments I'll do a pt.2😏‼️🕺 or maybe I'll just do it if I feel like it idk 

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