Tokito Muichiro (some sweet stuff)

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He's a minor (same lol) so no smut here, just genuine sweet stuff you hoes.

"Tokito-Chan!!" You scream, running up to him. You were going so fast, that The oranges in your basket fall, and he bends over to pick them up. "Sorry..." you say. He looks up and shrugs. "It's ok.." he says signaling  you to come back with him. 

I owe my life to you, tokito.

You feet begin to get cut after all the branches you walk on, running away. To find him again. You, y/n, were 13 years old. Your parents ran off when you were 6. However, the only people you knew were tokito and his brother. After they suddenly ran away, you came to tokito for help. He let you live with him, until the death of his brother. Then, he went away, and an orphanage  took you. 

It was so badly conditioned in there, you ran away. It was useless  to try to stay, it sucked there. The only person who could help you was him. As you approach the fully lit town, you run to go find someone. It's a lively night, it's a town market night you guess.

You approach one of the owners of a stand. "Hello..." you start. "If you ain't gonna by nothin then just leave!" The grumpy old man says. You give him a sour look and walk to the next store owner. A nice lady with blonde hair, around mid-30s looking. "Do you know anything about muichiro tokito?" You ask her. "Yeah he's.." she trails off looking at someone behind you. 

"Excuse me?" You hear a voice. You turn around to see someone you know well. "Tokito?" You ask, dazed.

Next update: before Friday 

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now