{Childhood friends} Giyuu x reader/fluff

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"Just come back every 2-3 weeks, you should be fine after about 3 more visits." You said smiling. Your nursing job kept you on your feet, so the last patient of the day was the best for you. Once you packed up your nursing bag, you hopped onto your bike and rode home, thinking about life.

Running away. How that turned out. You scoffed. It was the best and worst decision. Once you turned 18, you ran away. You're parents weren't bad parents, they just were...sexist. You had to do house work and clean up after your brothers. If that wasn't bad enough, the town was even worse.

You lived in a very old town. However, they believed the same as your mother. The worst was what happened to one of the girls. She was 17, and had gotten pregnant by the only and only, your brother. Once the town found out, they threw into a rage. They all decided she was to be punished. Well, they picked one, but it was horrible. Public execution. While your brother had only received a stare or 2. You shuttered.

It was so violent there. The town had done other bad things, but that was the worst you could think of. As you pulled up to your home, you unlocked the door. You quickly ran in and locked it. The last thing you needed was a demon getting in. It was around 11 too, so it was their prime time.

Just as you put your stuff down, a knock came at your door. "Who could be here at this time?" You ask yourself. You open the door slowly, hoping it isn't someone bad. "Oh! Hey Kaddo!" You say to your co-worker. "Hey, they need you back to cover a shift. It's for 2 more hours." She says. You give her the "shit" face. "Alright...." You say, following her. You hop on your bike and ride back. 

"I just got home too!" You say to her. "Yeah...I was about to just cover it for you, but my husband needs me." She said. Luckily, the hospital was right up the road. "Good luck with that." You say getting off your bike in front of the hospital, as she turns and waves goodbye. You angrily step back in the hospital, your dark hair looking shiny in front of the sun. "Damn...what a pain." You say under your breath. You walk up to the front desk.

"Hey odette...what rooms do I have to go tonight?" You ask. "Oh...about that." She said, handing me a folder. "You're staying in room 342 for the whole shift. He's in bad condition." She said. "Oh...ok...I'll look into him." You say walking up the stairs. You open up the folder to a name you know quite well. "Tomioka, Giyuu." You say.


"Y/n!!!" A small boy said running forward towards you. "Giyuu!" You say running, then hugging him. Giyuu tomioka...your childhood best friend. Your mother's were best friends, so you saw eachother often. Family dinners, holidays, the new year, anytime a family would gather, the tomiokas would be there beside you. Your brother who was a few years younger than Giyuu's sister, liked her. You never liked Giyuu, since you were so young.

When his parents died though...you never talked to him at the funeral. Your parents did, but you were too afraid that you would somehow make him cry more. That was your last memory of actually seeing him. You found out he was a hashira, and made a smile for him. You did miss him though. A lot.

*end of flashback* 

You walk up to his room and open the door. He's in the hospital bed. Bloody, Soaked bandages as he breathes heavy. Once you close the door, his eyes dart open as he sits up. "Tomioka, Giyuu. What happened to you." You ask looking at his chart. He just stays silent, analyzing you. "Y/n?" He asks looking up at you. "Hey, Giyuu." You say, shooting him an honest smile. "I thought it was you." He says, clearing his throat. "And I got attacked by demons. They cut me a lot of times." He says. Then he starts coughing. "Da-amn!" He says as he coughed up some blood.

You put down his charts and run towards him. "Shit! That's a lot of blood! Let me go get you some medicine and put on more bandages." You say walking out. He's gotten much older, and cuter. You think as you go get some more bandages and water. Walking past your other co-workers, you here them talking.

"Hey! Y/N get over here!" One of them waves. You walk toward them, knowing you have to help Giyuu. "Yeah?" You ask. "You know that tomioka guy? Do you have him? Because she's wondering if y'all could switch places." The girl says pointing to another girl next to her. I looked at her, and sighed. "Sure." You say. "This is for him." You say walking away. The girl hops up and down, as you hear her click open the door. 

You continue walking down the hallway, thinking about Giyuu. Do I have a crush on him? You ask yourself. I mean he is pretty cute...you say to yourself. You hadn't seen him in forever either..but when you did see him, it was amazing. However, your thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of someone calling your name. "Y/N! Y/N! Stop!" You heard. 

You turn around to see the girl who was supposed to be assisting Giyuu. She had teary eyes. "Giyuu wants you." She says looking down. "Huh? What does he need me for?" You ask confused. "He said he wants only you assisting him, and how he doesn't want me at all." She says. "Oh...alright...I'm sorry." You say running off to his room.

Your heart was beating like crazy. Crazy for Giyuu. 

Doing a pt.2 rn!😋

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