tomioka x reader

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due to the CRAZY jump in views, i figured i'd write another oneshot. because i do really appreciate all the likes and comments, i am taking requests! i cannot promise anything due to school starting soon, but if anyone has any demon slayer characters they are interested in a oneshot of, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments or message me privately!

warning: smut.


As much as i loved and respected Oyakata-sama, i was starting to slightly resent him. Out of every mission i've had within the past month, it's always been with Tomioka. 

"I find you 2 work together well, thats all." he sighed.

 "He's just too negative...he's nice, but can you try to get me someone else to work with? Just this once?" i pleaded.

"I'll consider it next time, but you depart in an hour. Please (y/n), understand me." 

i could tell putting up a fight would get me nowhere, so i bowed and said my goodbyes. As i got up to exit, i opened the door to see Tomioka's face-right in front of me. He stared at me with cold, glassy eyes. 

"Thanks y/n." he said, dully. 

i stared back and then rolled my eyes. 

"See you soon." 

I made the walk to my mansion, but even though i looked at all the scenery, something was on my mind- i couldn't stop thinking about my interaction with Giyuu. It made me feel weird, almost like something was different about him. I tried to push the thought away as i packed, but it wouldn't go. Giyuu was all i could think about.

The mission was in a further part of Japan, about an hour from here in the Gion district, to investigate some people acting strange after demon attacks. I packed all the equipment i needed- an extra haori, my sleep clothes, and some perfume (vanilla, of course). I looked around my mansion one more time; in my room, living room, bathroom...i had everything, i think. 

I grabbed my bag and headed out. My crow greeted me and perched on my head, she was silly like that. i smiled for myself as i walked towards Giyuu. He was standing with his crow as well, emotionless as usual. I lost my smile seeing him like that. I really do feel bad for him, even if he gets on my nerves. 

"Ready to go?" i said, happily. 

"I guess." he sighed. 

----------------timeskip: 8pm, the Gion district----------------------------------------------------------------------

We were walking to our destination, a small townhouse further in town. On the walk there, i contemplated what to say to Giyuu, something to make him happy after what i said in Oyakata-samas office. Why did i want to make him happy so bad?

"Are you excited for this mission?"

"No. I never am. Its a job, its not supposed to be fun."

"You're never any fun." i teased, bumping his arm.

"That's not true." He turned towards me, giving me a broken smile that made me giggle. 

We turned streets to find the destination. It was a cute house, small and dark brown with a few pots by the door. The family was already waiting outside for us. They were cute, it was an older couple with a young child.

Giyuu and I greeted them with smiles. "Hello! What seems to be the issue?" i beamed.

"You see..." the old woman spoke up. "This is Uma. Her parents were eaten by demons and she was brutally attacked. She has been having issues and saying her body hurts..she was also attacked but saved before she could be killed." 

I felt bad. The older man also looked so sad, which made me pity them more. 

"Its demon toxins. They're in her. " Giyuu said, bluntly. 

The entire family looked very frightened, Uma even began to tear up.

"Wait! Its a toxin-yes- but i can cure it right now!" i said, quickly.

I pulled out my healing kit. I got my needle, put in some antidote, injected it in her, and we were done. We wished the family well being as they thanked us for the help.

As we walked away, i turned to Giyuu. "What's wrong with you? They looked scared to death. You can't just tell a family their young child has toxins!" 

"I can't lie. It's the truth, y/n. The girl was sick and full of demon toxin, what was i supposed to say?" He angrily said.

"Something besides that. Its fine to say to me because i'm a hashira. That scares anyone else though."

He didn't respond, and we continued our walk back in silence. I observed how beautiful all the lights were. The streets were busy and very lively at this time, it was very peaceful, yet exciting. Just as i started to relax, giyuu spoke up.

"You say i'm no fun y/n.." He smirked, pointing to a brothel full of Oirans. 

"theres no way youre going in there." i said, speechless.

"I'll see you later." He said, walking past the curtain, into it.

My mouth dropped, i was NOT expecting that. Luckily, i was so close to our room the shock only lasted until i got back. It was just so odd, thinking of giyuu in a brothel. 

I sat in the cold bath water thinking. It's been about 20 minutes since i got here, he should be back soon...

i got out the bath, got changed, and was brushing my hair when i heard a swift knock. I walked over to the door and opened it. Giyuu stood there, hovering over me with a huge smile on his face. I stared back with angry eyes. I allowed him in and went back to brushing my hair. 

He sat on his bed, neither one of us was daring to talk. 

"What if oyakata-sama found out? That you went to a brothel on a mission?" i said, swiftly.

He scoffed. "You're so negative y/n."

I turned around, half smiling, half serious. "I never meant that in a mean way, you know that.."

He stood up and walked towards me. he got about 2 inches from body.

"Strip for me." he said, bluntly. 


He began to unbutton my shirt, which revealed my bare chest. He stared at it with hungry eyes, before grabbing my waist and pushing me down on my bed. 

My eyes widened as my heart started beating out of control. 

I looked at his pants to see a bulge growing, as he began to climb on top of me slowly. "Y/N...." he said, breath quaking, "Fuck me like you want me. We both know you do." 

I bit my lip and exhaled, as i met his eyes and began to kiss him. My hands went from my sides to his body, quickly pulling off his shirt as my hands glided from his torso to above his pants. i grabbed his belt and threw it to the side. 

he unbuttoned his pants to reveal his erection, while he commanded me, "take off your panties."

i did as he said, and he began to put his tip in me, making sure to leave a trail of kisses on my neck while in the process. 

each second was putting me more on edge, and i could tell he felt the same. my fingernails dug into his back and hair, as i threw my head back.

He wrapped one of arms around me as he came, and proceeded to pull out.

Oyakata-sama was right- we do work well together.

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