Giyuu x reader

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"Please stop." You say, crossing your arms. "B-but you're so pretty! PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE!" Zenitsu says, crying. You sigh and walk away. He was asking me to marry him, for the 5th time that hour. What a pain..,I say, smiling.

"Y/N?" Giyuu, the water pillar asks. "Oh! Um hey!" I say, uncrossing my arms. "Where is shinobu?" He asks, speed walking past you. "Wait!" You say, grabbing the end of his Haori. He seemed mad, and jerked his hand away. I felt a little hurt, kindness never works out for me I feel like.

I was one of Shinobu's assistants, and I was the oldest. I was 18 years old, standing in the hallway of the estate, just contemplating things, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Y/N-Chan?" Shinobu asks, Giyuu behind her. "Mhm?" I ask, turning around. "Hey, me and Giyuu will be gone for a little while. We are going on a 2 hour mission." She says, smiling. "Oh...gotcha." I say.

They were on the mission, but it went by quick for me. Before I knew it, I was walking with Giyuu to his estate. Im the one who commonly massages the hashira after a long mission. We walked quickly, as I was quite nervous... "tomioka?" I ask him. He stares at me with blank eyes. I always knew Giyuu had a tough beginning.

Shinobu never gave me specific details, but I know it wasn't easy. It's just...Giyuu meant a lot to me. You see, I ended up going to the butterfly estate at the age of 15. Shinobu let me stay there and trained me in medical things. I've been there, working, ever since then. I still remember my first encounter with giyuu.

I was sitting there, when he came in. Just sitting in a chair, my head down and relaxed. He came in, looking around and made eye contact with me. He was very attractive to me, and I fell for him instantly. Unfortunately, I haven't ever gotten father than having a 5 minute awkward conversation with him.

But today must be different. I gotta have hope! I just gotta. "So, how did the mission go?" I ask him. "Meh." He mumbles, opening the door to his mansion. He opens it, and takes me inside. I internally sigh, knowing this would get NO WHERE.

His mansion was nice, mainly decorated with old artifacts. He walked me to his room. How...interesting. He took off his haori and went into his bathroom. "I'll be back in a second." He says, slamming the


I sat on his bed, then something clicked. I have to see him shirtless...half naked...and I have to touch his warm skin...why did that never click before!? How embarrassing! I cover my face with my hands and internally facepalm

"All I need you to do is crack my back and massage my neck." He says, coming out shirtless. He was so hot... "oh yeah! Sure!" I say, inviting him to sit. He lays down on his stomach, and I start to lightly massage his neck.

"Are you going to sit down?" He asks impatiently. "W-where?" I ask confused. "On my back?" He says annoyed. "U-uh yeah! Sure!" I say a little too fast. He sighs and I sit on his back. "So umm's everything?" I ask, massaging. "Fine." He grunts.

"Do you like...have a crush on someone?" I ask, smirking because he can't see me. "Yeah." He grunts again. I hop up. "Really!?" I say happily, standing in his back to crack it.

"Ugh!" He says, as I hear his back crack, I let it crack for a second, then step off.He flips over and looks at me. "Hmm?" I ask him. "Go." He says, swatting me away. That hurt.

"Um oh ok..." I say, walking way sadly. "No. Go into my bathroom, you can freshen up in there." He says, laying back.

"Ok.." I say, walking into his bathroom. I close the door. The bathroom was made of marble and had fresh flowers and smelled of cologne. It was spotless. Dang Giyuu..he's so organized. I take off my haori.

Under it, I had the basic tsugoku uniform, even if I wasn't a tsugoku. That didn't matter. Under it, I had a bra and shorts too. I threw off the uniform and took my hair down. It was in a bun the whole day, and taking it down made it curly at the ends. Suddenly, I hear the creak of a door. I see Giyuu walk in, his hand covering his eyes.

"I'm just here for the-" he starts, but then crashes into you. He falls on top of you onto the floor. "Giyuu!" I scream. "I'm sorry!" He says, screaming as well, seeing me in just my bra and shorts. I smirk. He blushes, quickly gets up, and runs away. "Goodness." I say, trying to stop my heart from beating faster.

I just freshen up by putting on some nice lotions, and put my haori over my barely clothed body. I walk out, expecting Giyuu to be asleep. Well...yes and no. He was sleeping, but with his haori over him while he was COMPLETELY NAKED.

I look at him with my jaw dropped. What was he doing.?! "Giyuu?" I ask. "Mmh.." he mumbles in his sleep. I walk closer to him, my body practically shaking in suprise and nervousness.

I reach my hand out, and suddenly, his hand quickly pulls me in. He pulls so hard, I fall next to him on his bed in a fast motion. He pulls my body very close to his, as I'm just still in shock of what just happened.

His hand wrap around my waist, as he lays on my chest. Slowly, his eyes open. He puts on a small smile. " you were awake?!" I loud whisper. He chuckles. I pit my hand in his face as we both smile.

"How about that crush?" I ask him. He just smiles and closes his eyes. "Do you know y/n l/n? That's her."

I'm so proud of my Rengoku fanfic and this one u don't even know

𝙺𝚗𝚢/𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now