(short) uzui x reader

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"Slow business?" A shop goer asks. "Yeah." You say. The town you lived in had little to no people in it, so trying to sell food at the market got you no where. "You heard who's in town, right?" The man asks.

"Hmm?" You ask him. "Some of those demon slayer people are here." he says, looking at you, scoffing ,and walking away.

You shrug your shoulders and sigh. Even if the inventory was low, why not put out some prettier oranges..? As you turn around, your hear everyone scream. You go to turn and then see a demon coming at you, really close too.

You lean back, close your eyes, and then feel someone's arms wrap around you. You saw the man who shielded you, he was quite attractive.

Before you even knew it, your feet were off the ground and you were in the air. "Ah!" you say, smiling, while looking down on your town. You stare at the guy who lifted you off your feet. He looks at you and smiles as well. You 2 quickly land, and you sigh.

"Would you mind cleaning up my wounds for me?" he asks politely. "Sure. You did save me after all." You say, looking around. You were in a nice place, a lot of plants and homes.

You follow him to his house, which was full of beautiful flowers. He walks you in as you stay shocked by how nice it was. It was so clean and perfectly decorated. He brings you to his room, and closes the door, which makes your heart skip a beat.

He pulls of his top, and also hands you a first aid kit. You stare at his bloody and well toned body. You blush and try to hide it at the sight of him. He smirks at you, and motions for you to sit on his lap. You oblige, and go sit down, as you clean up his bloody abs. He holds your waist down as you help him. "So..." he starts, holding down your waist.

He grinds your waist into his leg as you look up at him. He leans in to kiss you, but then grabs your hair and pulls you back. You both have a deep, passionate kiss, as he flips you over to get on top.

He tugs at your top, his hair in your face, as you stare at him. You pull of the top and your bra. He leans down and kisses your chest. You let out a noise as his lips latch onto it.

You grip the soft sheets harder as he starts to suck on it, occasionally squeezing onto your waist and grinding it down as well. After that, he flips you to the side and his fingers touch everywhere on your soft body.

i love giyuu a lot so we are gonna have another fanfic soon about him, thanks for 70+ reads

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