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Renjun woke up and saw a small figure sleeping beside him. It seems like Sam moved in again into his room and sleep with his father. Renjun smiled before giving kiss on Sam's forehead.

It was 7 in the morning and Sam has to go to school also Renjun needs to go to their shop and manage his workers. Renjun went to his kitchen and made a toast for him and his son.

He also made a strawberry sandwich filled with whipped cream which Sam's favorite. Renjun went back to his room to wake Sam.

"baby, we need to get up and go to school" Renjun whispered making Sam stretch and yawn.

Sam opened his eyes and smiled when his Father was there watching him. He quickly stood up and kissed Renjun's cheeks. "Goodmorning Dada!!" Sam cheered

"You are so energetic compared to your dad..." Renjun whispered but then he just smiled and get Sam so he won't be late.

"Yangyang uncle will get you later, okay? You are going with him and your cousin" Renjun said

Sam nodded and began to eat the breakfast his Dada made him. After eating they proceed to take a bath and prepare for his school. A few minutes passed by someone dingged the bell.

"Sammieee!!!" Lyn shouted. Lyn was Yangyang's daughter and happened to be Renjun's cousin (yangyang)

Sam quickly went down and opened the door. "Hi Uncle Yang! Are we going now?" Sam asked Yangyang crouch down and carried Sam.

"Yes, since your Dada has something to do we need you and Lyn to get to school, okay?" Yangyang said. Renjun came down running thinking something might happen to Sam.

Renjun stood up when he saw Yangyang carrying Sam and Lyn standing there looking at him. "What is happening to you?" Yangyang asked and gave a soft chuckle.

"I thought something happened that is why I rushed down? Anyways you can go now. Take care Sam! Lyn!" Renjun said and watched them walking out of the house. Sam was holding Yangyang's hand and also Lyn on the other side of his hand.

Renjun waved and when he cannot see then anymore, Renjun sighed and turned around to prepare for himself to work.

"Maybe I should get Sam some babysitter? I do not want to bother Yangyang anymore" Renjun thought himself.

"Jaemin, stop looking for jobs and let me do it" Jeno said as he force his younger brother

"Jeno I told you no one can help us but our selves. I also wanted to be cured so let me work" Jaemin said earning a sigh from Jeno.

"But your heart-"

"Jeno, I will find work that won't make me miserable, don't worry" Jaemin reassures

"Fine, but I will also go and look for some work" Jeno said as he tapped Jaemin's back. "I'll be right back" jeno added making jaemin nod.

"Now let's see... Babysitter?" Jaemin said and looked at the address. "Better than nothing" Jaemin said and left his phone so he could start fixing himself.

"Hi Renjun!" One of the workers greeted. To be honest Renjun does not want to be called "sir" or anything since he just wanted them to treat him as one of a family or maybe a close friend.

"Hi Winwin hyung! Did yangyang came over?" Renjun asked as he placed his apron and move to his workplace.

"Not yet. Maybe later, and uh the one that you've been asking for me to do about the baby sitting. I already posted it online and some were interested. I placed the address here, if you don't mind?" Winwin said as he smiled at the costumer getting his order.

"It's fine. I'll meet them here if I got a chance" Renjun said and went to receive the payment of the costumer. "Have a good day! Come again~" Renjun said and bowed.

He heard his phone rang and went to check it. As usual it was the other mid-company that wanted to get their brand. Renjun was running a small pastry and cafe that was originally made by him and his late husband. They both decided to make this to have a memory and also for their future purposes.

Renjun asked Winwin to make do his work for a minute. Renjun went at the back room and talked to them.


"Pretty sure this is the address" Jaemin said and was about to enter but then a kid accidentally bumped into him and tripped. The kid began crying out loud making Jaemin move as fast as he can and went to carry the kid.

"Does this hurt?" Jaemin said worriedly and went to check the kid's elbow. The kid was trying hard not to burst out his crying and went to wipe his tears and asking for jaemin to let him down.

"I am... Fine now, Mr. Strawberry head. Sam is not crying!" He said.

so your name is Sam huh. Your parents must be lazy to make your name longer. Jaemin thought as he chuckle giving a smile at the kid.

"So your name is Sam. Well it's not bad to show you are hurting infront of other people. If it hurts just let it be, crying doesn't make you less stronger" Jaemin said as he knelt down and faced Sam.

"But I always see my Dada trying hard not to cry whenever I am around and I thought he do that to make him more tough! Sam want to be stronger like Dada!" Sam said, Jaemin nodded listening to the kid speaking cutely infront of him.

Jaemin then move his eyes on his elbow and saw there is a slight scratches on it. "You probably need to be treated or else rice grains will come out on that wound!" Jaemin joked not expecting Sam to easily believe him.

"SAM!" Someone shouts at the back making both of the guys look at the guy who is calling him.

"Are you okay? Omg, you have a scratch! did this guy hurt you?! is he trying to get you?" A blonde haired guy said making Sam shook his head.

"No, he did not uncle Yang. He even helped me getting up thanks to Mr. Strawberry head!" Sam said as he chuckles to Jaemin.

"Oh, what will you say then?" Yangyang said "Thank you mr. Strawberry head! I really hope to see you again!" Sam said as he waved his hand. Jaemin just stood there watching the kid smiling widely as he keeps on waving hands at him.

"That is so much for today! and me? mr. Strawberry head?" Jaemin questioned himself as he let out a laugh. He then proceed on going inside but his mother texted him to go back home.

"Gosh, why does it have to be cancelled today" Jaemin whined and walked back thinking he wasted time.

"Well at least I was named as strawberry head" obviously because Jaemin was currently having his hair pink-ish red.


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