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"NANNYY!!!" Sam cheered as he saw Jaemin standing in front of their gate. Jaemin chuckled before letting himself got inside.

"Sam, stop calling that to Mr. Na and just call him by his name" Renjun said making Sam pouts. "but I wanted to call him Nanny" Sam said quietly.

"It's fine, no need to worry. And calling me Mr. Na is much weirder than the nanny" Jaemin chuckled. "Jaemin is fine with me, Sir" Jaemin added as he got Sam's bag before walking out the house.

"I'll deliver your baby, secured and safe! See you later" Jaemin said as he told Sam to say goodbye to his dad before walking out the house.

Renjun sighed before going upstairs to fix himself.

Renjun heard his phone rang and saw it was his no other than his Winwin hyung. Renjun answered the call.

hey Renjun. Um your loving mother-in-law is here to see you.

What the heck? What does she want now?

i don't know but it seems urgent and important so better come over here now.

Got it, Thanks Ge.

Renjun sighed as he pick his bag and go. What does she want now. Well it's been 4 years since they cut connection between Renjun and his late husband's family. They all blamed Renjun for what happened to his own husband.

And with that reasoning, they decided to cut all connection and nearly get the cafe from Renjun. But Renjun begged not to.

He did this because it was for his kid. Sam.

Sam was still a baby when his late husband died due to car accident, actually the three of them got into an accident but luckily Renjun and Sam was safe. They got wounds and just minor injuries but Jaehyun, his late husband. Had the worst day of his life. On his exact birthday.

Renjun promised to remember him forever but it seems like Renjun sometimes forgets that. He sometimes forgot what Jaehyun looks like and he also promised to just stay being single but of course if Jaehyun was watching.

He will be glad if ever Renjun got a lover to take care of himsm. Renjun was so sad really did not know what should he do at that time. He even tried to end his life but he saw Sam

Instead of ending it, He used Sam as a stepping stone and reached the phase where he thinks everything is okay and fine with every comments he heard. He used Sam as an inspiration.

Renjun was already near his cafe, he saw one car parked outside the cafe. It must be late Jaehyun's mom.

Renjun walked down to his car and immediately entered the place. There isn't much costumer and some are already done served. Renjun saw a not do old woman sitting at the end part of the cafe.

Renjun noticed Winwin looking at him with a worried look but then he encouraged him to face her. Renjun sighed as he slowly approach her.

"Have a seat" Mrs. Jeong said. Renjun bowed before sitting down in front of the lady.

"I just wanted to see my grandson-"

"I won't" Renjun said briefly. He obviously do not want to show Sam his grandmother, also the fact that they already cut connection between them.

"Renjun, it's been 4 years. I am sure I already accepted what happened and I'm really sorry for blaming you everything but I just wanted to at least see my grandson before I will leave" Mrs. Jeong said. Renjun furrowed his eyebrow and asked "Leave?"

Mrs. Jeong nodded and smiled, as expected the smile was just like Jaehyun. It was a little bit cold in feature but you can still see some sweetness and sincerity on it.

"We will be going back to America, but before that. Since Jaehyun is already gone and the only memory that he just left was your son. I know I've been cruel and you know it was just because of anger, Renjun i know we cut connection already but for the last time, can we have fun with your son?" Mrs. Jeong asked making Renjun look at her.

What if they will get Sam from me? But i don't want to be selfish, and after all she came here asking forgiveness. Renjun thought himself.

It took him a few minutes before answering. "Just to make sure you won't make anything and get Sam away from me. Can I at least make my friend come with you?" Renjun asked.

"Sure! As long as we are going to have fun with Sam. But Renjun, Thank you so much. I don't deserve forgiveness but nevertheless you still treat me nicely" Mrs. Jeong cried.

Renjun smiled tho it was just for peace. Sam might get confuse on who they are so he will have trouble explaining him who they are.

"I'll let you know when they already arrived here. Thank you for visiting maam" Renjun said as he stood up and politely bow before watching her walk out the place.

Renjun slumped down when he cannot see any shadows from Mrs. Jeong. "What did I just did?" Renjun grabbed his hair as he curled up. Winwin saw it and immediately made the cafe closed for the main time before approaching Renjun.

Winwin crouched down and comforted his friend. All Renjun's energy was drained and can't even dare to think straight.

It looks like it's just a simple thing but for Renjun it was a big nightmare. Renjun was so scared and felt a lot of pressure as he talk to Mrs. Jeong.

Renjun was still not fine, that is why they decided to close the cafe for half of the day and will just open on the afternoon.

Winwin tried his best to calm down Renjun and get him some water to drink. "Do you feel a little better?" Winwin asked

Renjun just nod as he drank the water he was tightly holding on his hands. "Don't worry, you don't have to go accompany Sam if you don't want to. I know you still feel pressured when you are facing them. I will do it, just take a rest tonight. Okay?"

"Thank you Ge. you really did so much to us. You don't deserve any of this, you should be staying at home and just relax"

"But I wanted to help you. Jaehyun asked that" Winwin said as he hugged Renjun to make him calm down completely.

"Are you sure you will go there with Sam?" Renjun asked. Winwin just nod and have Renjun a reassuring smile.

"No worries" He said.

Renjun is really hurt about what they did but you know people can change, and Renjun will make this opportunity to forgive and forget.

And start a new beginning.

Maybe with them.


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