Draco the dragon of the abyss

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"To the ones that watch the night sky, hello star watcher

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"To the ones that watch the night sky, hello star watcher. My name is Draco the dragon of the abyss. If you are lucky and you keep  watching the skys you might catch a glimpse of me"  Draco spoke as he landed and shifted his form to that of a human.

Name: Draco DarkLite
Age: Unknown
Hight; 6'5
Race: Abyss Dragon
Nickname: Star rider
Likes: Gold, stars, forests,  caves.
Dislikes: Unknown
Short Bio: Draco is an ancient Dragon. He is neither good or evil. Draco spends most of his time flying in the night sky or watching over other DarkLite's. /more to come later/

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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