Sasha Ballard DarkLite

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Name: Sasha Ballard DarkLite
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'7
Hair: Black with a red streak
Eyes: Blue
Race: Human?
Powers: Pyrokinesis (Control and create fire. Her fire is blue) and Psychokinesis (Moving things with her mind), psychic abilities (Such as seeing ghost, demons flashes of people's past, or future through touch) and of course magic (Think of this kind of like a witch but she cant control the magic. Most of her spell go wrong or backfire on her)

Job: Teacher and head of her deportment at the university. Sasha teaches Parapsychologist and the Occult
Relationship: single but married to her job

parapsychology noun

para·psy·chol·o·gy | \ ˌper-ə-(ˌ)sī-ˈkä-lə-jē , ˌpa-rə-
Definition of parapsychology
: a field of study concerned with the investigation of evidence for paranormal psychological phenomena (such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis)

occult noun
\ ə-ˈkəlt , ä-; ˈä-ˌkəlt
Definition of occult
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them

Sasha teaches a class on the supernatural events in the world. Such as demon's ghost, ect... Many hunters do take her classes but so do other supernatural beings as well as humans.

Sasha may look human but does not know what she is fully. She radiate/glows with purity. She has what is called a pure heart. There is some Angel DNA in her. The demons and cults of darkness want her to give them more power. The angel DNA is where her powers come from. Sasha has no clue that she has Angel DNA in her, she knows nothing about the pure heart. All she knows is that the things that go bump in the night hunt her down and want her alive. One of the biggest demons that wants her is Le Valliant. He has been one of the ones to mostly hunt her down. But she has crossed paths with other demons that know what she is and want her as well. Vampires want her pure blood, demons want her for power, cults want her for power, angels want her dead. All Sasha can do is fight and run for her life.

Sasha Ballard is one of the head teachers in the field of Parapsychologist and the Occult at Miskatonic University. And this is her story.
The year was 1969 the proud parents Harry and Bennie Ballard were in the hospital room waiting to see their newborn child. Their little bundle of joy Sasha Ballard. Sure they had been through a lot dealing with demons and the occult but there was peace now, so they could be happy and have a family. But that peace would not last for long. It was on the night of Sasha first birthday when a demon that the Ballard's thought was long dead had returned. Le Valliant the leader and now demon of the Black Lodge cult, was standing over baby Sasha crib.

"You will be mine little one" As Le Valliant said that Bennie and Harry walked in. Both seeing him there meant trouble. Before either parent could react Le Vallint reached out and grabbed Bennie snapping her neck. "You can have the child for now Harry but your child will be mine." He said as he disappeared leaving a now crying baby and a corpse of his wife. Harry was at a loss. Grabbing his daughter and looking to his now dead wife he whispered "I am sorry but we did make a plan for this should it happened." With that Harry grabbed a few bags that were packed in case of this, and left. Before he left he pushed a button that he and Bennie had installed in case of demons. This button would seal up the house and burn it to the ground.

For many years Harry and his daughter never stayed in one place to long, Always on the lookout for Le Valliant or other demons. In the years growing up Sasha learned about the occult and how to protect herself and wield magical powers. At the age of 7 Harry found out his little Sasha had not only magic but psychic abilities as well. She had the ability of Psychokinesis and Telekinesis. He would need to seek out a friend in Miskatonic Maine, to help him with little Sasha. Harry would seek out an old friend that knew more of the occult and was deeper in this shit then he was, he would seek out his old friend John Constantine.

When Harry and Sasha got to Maine, he went right to finding a motel for Sasha to rest while he went to seek out John. When Harry finally found John and told him what had happened, John had demanded that Harry take him to Sasha. When Harry introduced Sasha to John, he could tell that Sasha needed a lot of help. It was over dinner John and Harry talked about leaving Sasha in John's care while Harry moved around keeping La Valliant of Sasha's sent. He would spend a few days explaining to Sasha what need to happen and why. Sasha understood that her dad was trying to keep her safe, all she wanted was to see her dad every once and awhile. The day came when Harry left leaving Sasha in the care of his friend.

John, now Uncle John to Sasha, taught her more then her dad Harry did. She even got to go to real schools. As Sasha grew older, she got a teaching job at Miskatonic University. Working her way up she was now the head of the department of Parapsychologist and the Occult. Now that she was 31 and teaching what fresh madness will come her way while waiting for her dad Harry and dealing with uncle John.

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