Antisepticeye DarkLite

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// Not the real Jacksepticeye. Just using his egos for RP. 21 and up. Epic/ Para. Open to all RP's and StoryLines. I hope to RP with you some time. We all know who Anti is. So I am just going to post my twist and take on Anti.

//My story for Anti for RP on his past and present life

Anti is a fun loving demon. He keeps himself weak by his own choice. The scent of blood and taste of it will send him into a bloodlust. It will also awaken his demonic/evil side. He wears a shock collar to keep the one's he cares about safe. Only four people have the remote to it, Jack, Mark, Ethan and Natemare.

Anti has two different colored eyes. One blue and human like, the other is neon green.*(Think of Anti's two different eye colors as split personality disorder one evil and one good. When both eyes are green or black this his his demonic/evil side in full control. When they are one of each this is the normal fun loving Anti. When both are blue he is using glamour to look human ) On the inside, Anti is sensitive, with the soul of a poet but cursed with the inability to express himself with simple words. When he gets to emotional he starts to glitch, as well as easily to make angry or cry. Anti wears his heart on his shoulder. Anti is also very much a flirt and likes to pull pranks.

Anti cares for his human host Jack. He see's Jack as his brother, best friend and father seeing he is part of him. His demonic side wants to murder Jack and this is what leads Anti into keeping himself weak to keep Jack safe from his demonic self. Anti's demonic/evil side is his the part of the past life where he was driven insane.

In his past life he was a Demonic Fae. His name was Contrarium. (In Latin it roughly translates to Anti). He was in love with a siren, Somnum Exterreri ( In Latin it roughly translates to Natemare/Nightmare). But Exterreri had eyes for another and did not like him this way. That was until Tenebris ( In Latin it roughly translates to Dark) and Mors ( In Latin it roughly translates to Die Pewdiepie darkside ) found out.

Mors and Tenebris and Contrarium grew up together. And both of them were in love with Contrarium, he only saw Mors and Tenebris as brothers. When they found out that the demonic fae was in love with a siren, Mors ordered Tenebris to hunt down Exterreri and kill him. This brought about a war between the sirens and the demonic fae's.

It was then that Contrarium sided with the sirens to aid them. This marked him as a traitor to his kind. It was then placed on Tenebris to kill Contrarium. When an idea hit him that he and Mors could torture their once best friend. Mors and Tenebris then hunted down Contrarium like an animal. They were jealous that Contrarium would love someone other than themselves so in a jealous rage Tenebris ripped Contrariums wings off and locked him away. Mors and Tenebris took turns driving Contrarium insane. In the end he was crazy and had a form of Stockholm syndrome and a love for pain.

Hundreds of years later Mors and Tenebris were tired of Contrarium and killed him. This now brings him into a new life as a full Demon. Parts of his past life still haunt him in his dreams, as well as things of what he once was into this new life. He is a pain demon in this life, he is kinda scared of Dark and had a deep hate that he can not explain for Dark and Die. He is still fun loving and free as the wind like in his past life.

(These memories can be found in an album called Memories of a long forgotten past)

In this life when he first saw Natemare he was head over heels in love with the dream demon. Not sure why, but Anti knew he belonged at Mare's side and to kneel at his feet. When Anti is around Mare he is submissive to him and will hurt anyone that would harm or touch him. Should Anti get too close to someone Natemare will remind him who owns him, while killing the other person that gets too close and Anti loves seeing Mare getting possessive of him. There are times Anti will flirt with some one just to see this side of his love come out.

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