Marvin "Marv" McLoughlin DarkLite

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~I am an EPIC/ PARA Role player, I use pics and music for RP's ~

~21 and up. Open to all RP's and StoryLines. I hope to RP with you some time.~

~This is a RP page only. I am not the real Jacksepticeye. Obviously this is roleplay.

//We all know who Marvin is. So I am just going to post my twist and take on Marvin.

//My story for Marvin

Name: Marvin "Marv" McLoughlin DarkLite

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Height: 5'10

Weight: 125

Hair: Green

Eyes: Ice blue when not using magic, Green cat eyes when using magic

Race: Human? //in my twist of Marvin he is a cross breed. He does not know what he is but he is the result of a neko and an elf breeding. So he is a Elven neko.



Astral Projection

Psychic abilities

Cosmic Awareness

Demon Summoning

Dimensional Travel.

Magical Sense

Sigil Magic

Spirit Ward Creation



Job: Magician and magic shop owner

Relationship: Single

Friends:. The DarkLite's

Family: The Septiceye's


Theme Song: It's a kinda Magic by Queen

In a time of magic of old there were people that protected magic from those that did not believe. The society of protectors was made of all kinds of beings, some supernatural races and other human magic users. One such child was Marvin. He was brought into the society when they found him to have a natural talent for magic. The only problem the society had was that Marvin's magic was unstable. He was what people called a cross-breed. In the supernatural realm it was looked down on. It was when two different races breed, most children that came from this union did not survive. Marvin was one of these poor souls that survived. He was found wandering the woods covered in blood. The society took him in and taught him everything that they could.

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