Alex DarkLite Sinns

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~I am an EPIC/ PARA Role player, I use pics and music for RP's ~
~21 and up. Open to all RP's and StoryLines. I hope to RP with you some time.~

~This is a RP page only. I am not the real Jackson Rathbone. Obviously this is roleplay.

Name : Alex Sinns
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Green
Clan: Sinns and DarkLite
Race: Half Neko Half Vampire
ABO: Omega, Alex may be an omega but he rip apart and Alpha before he gets mounted like a bitch in heat.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'0
Weight :210 in human form, 350 in tiger form, 15 in house cat form
Hair: brown
Powers: Shifting forms, Poison in his claws and Fangs
Job: Bartender and Bouncer in the club called Leather and Lace
Relationship: single

Alex Sinns half brother to Marrosa Sinns. Marrosa and Alex are from the same mother but not the same father. Alex was the only male neko born to the Sinns Clan. Their clan were descendants of the Goddess Bastet AKA Bast. Bast was a feline goddess of ancient Egyptian religion. The Sinns clan were demmi gods and Bast children.
Alex's father was a vampire that his mother happened to bed one night. Nine moths later Alex was born into the Sinns clan. It was then many decades later that his half sister Marrosa was born. Alex is the oldest sibling to Marrosa. She is full neko where he is not. Alex was charged to care for his baby sister for she was cursed with wanderlust as most nekos of Sinns clan had.

It was one day that Alex was sleeping that his sister had given in to the curse and wandered away. He had spend many years tracking Marrosa down. Each time her sent was tainted in one way or another. Alex had though he found her in Rome one time but was only met with a burning city.

The next time he though he found her he stood before a building that was a company called Umbrella. What he found there mad him sick. Inside he smelt his baby sisters blood and seen her DNA in many different corpses. Alex was near to ending his own life till he found notes of a child that had been able to bond with the DNA of the goddess Marrosa. Alex had learned all he could of this child and found out there name was Evelyn. With this new information he would now look for a different person that now carried his Sister within. Along they way he would seek out to hunt down this Wesker person for hurting his baby sister.

More and more, Alex searched to find his missing baby sister. Till one day he came upon a club called Leather and Lace. There he found his sister tending a bar. This Evelyn girl looked so much like his sister. It must have been the DNA of a Goddess running through this girl's veins. At last Alex could have his family once more.

Alex has seen many horrors in his travels across the world in search of his sister Marrrosa that is now Evelyn. But yet he has still keep hope to have his sister once more. Along the way the half breed as made many friends and many enemies, and even a few lovers. Alex was taken in by the DarkLite clan when it was found out that he and his sister were the last surviving members of the Sinn's clan.

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