LunaStarr DarkLite

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//this is an Original character that I have been working on. 21 and up. Epic/ Para. Open to all RP's and StoryLines. I hope to RP with you some time I look forward to RPing with you all. Yes I have a mermaid RP muse. More of her bio to come later 

No, your not dreaming. You really can hear someone sending you their thoughts, though these words are just how your mind hears these thoughts. I know it's not your current tongue. I Have been frozen for more tides then the stars seem to count. I am one of the daughters of Neptune, though my father was the submariner. My mother's name was lost to the tides but she is the ice queen with flaming hair of the north.

My truest friend has been Nessy. She is the only one who did not count me as a loss. She has searched the world over for me as well traveled among every place the water touches to seek the aid of those who could help me.

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