Princess Glenda DarkLite Woods

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// Not the real Drew Barrymore This is for RP ONLY

Name: Princess Glenda DarkLite Woods AKA Glenda for short

Age: Looks like she 20 but is 300 years old do to being Fae ((yes just a baby in the eyes of the Fae))

Hair Color: Crimson ((but in the sun looks like Fire in moonlight looks like blood))

Race: Full blood Fae from both her Druid Mother and Gypsy Father

Eye Color: Emerald Green with Silver around her iris

Height: 5'6

Ability's: Controls all Elements,Emphatic, A Seer, Reads Tarot Cards,When she sings and dance's its the call of a Siren

Weakness : Like silver to a Werewolf Gold does the same to her. So unlike her Gypsy family she wear's Silver not Gold. Wolfbane and WitchHazel paralyses her

// Glenda's backstory

I am but a wandering gypsy that has many "Gifts" but i feel they are more of a curse. MY pet Erebus is very protective of me. We wonder looking for our true home.

Orphaned by self choice. I left the caravan behind. For never fitting in with her Gypsy father and his family nor wanted by mysterious Lady mother. I walk the fine line between magic and mysticism and the culture we call civilization. As I walk the roads in life I often stumble upon strangers. only to be cursed by my 'Gifts' of the rare insight of many. Past, Present and Future.

Which leads me to be attacked by many and understood by few till I run across 'Them' people that have a past where life has no meaning and death is just the beginning. This is where I choose to be, in my crystal palace built with cards. With a lovely Moonlit Garden by my side. Crystal palace of the gypsy soul. When the people you see in your mind's eye hurt you without even a thought, is it ok to still use the gifts of my people to earn my keep? I keep looking for a family that would not send lashes to me through my mind or my body.

In the end my only true and trustworthy family is Erebus, a feline with few demands, but more wisdom than most creatures who would call him the animal. As well as a small baby dragon named Setmeth. These beings have become my true family. I trust him the most. I am not a weakling, except through my heart. I see what others can't, I know the limits of the craft, my voice and dance call every heart to its will, the elements hear my call and respond, and all the things know from both my druid mother and gypsy father.

Neither wished for my presence in this world, so we left. I thought the witches understood, but coveting my gifts they taught me only what would serve them. I know the hearts of men and women. I am hardened to them while I still feel everything.I am a woman with no land, people, or calling.

I am a woman no less and I live to be the kind of person I can see in the mirror without it breaking. Both Druids and Gypsy's were known to mate with the Fae Folk and both Gypsy Father and Lady mother where both Fae. So here I am a Full Blood Fae. I hide my Fae sent with the Silver unicorn necklace I wear.

 I hide my Fae sent with the Silver unicorn necklace I wear

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