Melissa Anna Strata DarkLite

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Name - Melissa Anna Strata
// Melissa is the vessel's name the angel inside is Anna
Age- 2,000 years old
Hair color- Pale blond in moon light looks silver
Eye color- Pale blue. Most times they are covered seeing she is blind and people are scared of how pale her eyes are.
Height- 5'1
Species- Immortal human with a  Seraph/Angel sleeping inside her
Coven- DarkLite
Fav color- Lavender and Blue
Weakness- Vampires. Melissa has a deep fear of Vampires seeing she had been used as a vampire chew toy.
Power- She is one with the wild and all animals. She had the power to heal as well as see vision.
Melissa is known to be seen with wolves always near her. She believes that are her guardians. She has a Wolf charm in her hair and a wolf's claw around her neck. It was given to her by the High Priest at the temple when she became the High Priestess

Melissa was a simple girl at one time. She may look human but she is not. Long ago when mankind prayed to many Gods and Goddesses the need for Priestess and Priest were in need to help run temples.

Melissa was one of the ones to be picked to be a priestess. It was for her gift that she saw as a curse. She was born blind but she had visions. Priest and Priestess would come to seek her out to know what she had seen.

She hated her gift. But other loved her for it. Soon people started to pray to her and not the God's this in turn pissed them off. Melissa did not want their prayers but she did enjoy helping people. The god's being angry with Melissa put their wrath on the town. The priest tolled the town that the God's wanted The Priestess known as Melissa dead.

One night someone knocked on her door. Being the kind lady she was she opened it to find a few of the town's people there. To please the God's The townspeople left Melissa in her temple and drove a dagger in her heart.

The Goddess's where angry with the town people and the other God's. Ever offering that Melissa had gotten she gave back and returned them to the temple of the other Gods and Goddesses.

The same night of Melissa death two Goddesses by the names of Artemis and Athena came to the temple Melissa worked in. Seeing the young Priestess dead on the altar broke their hearts. Athena with her wisdom gave Melissa life once more. She gave her the knowledge to keep herself safe. But with the life from a Goddess it would change her. She would live forever.

The Goddess Artemis gave the young priestess the power to defend herself. True the girls was blind and they could not restore her sight seeing it was from the gift of her visions that had taken her sight. She gave her the power to fight and to heal. The power to hunt and keep others safe.

Melissa woke in her temple healed. A scroll was left with her name on it. It explained to her what had happened and what the two Goddess 's have done. She was now blessed by the two Goddesses. She felt something tickle her back, Turning to feel silver wings upon her back. They gave her wings along with other things.

For 2,000 years Melissa has lived as a wandering Priestess. Healing others and being careful of who she met. In her 2,000 years she had killed bad demon's, vampires , witches and humans. But she had always healed the ones that were good. If something had done her harm she took there life.

~Melissa before the Seraph LadyAnna had claimed her as her Vessel. Her life in her own words ~

I am The Priestess of old. I was born of earth. I live in time. And I will die with dust.

I was given a gift at a young age by the God's. The priest came and took me from my home. at the age of 7. I lived and served in the temple. At the age of 12 I became a high priestess and an Oracle.

I was to watch mankind fall.I seen kings and queens rise to power. Yet with time they all fell. I have seen death and life. Watched as humans fought with each other. I am forever at the age of 21. Wandering around from place to place for 2,000 years. I was lonely. Now I travel seeking new friends and hoping to stop this curse from God. And hope for peace for all that walk this earth

Along the way I had found a wolf pup and took him as my own child he was so sweet. I could not let the pup die like i have seen around the world. So I took him back to the temple with me. I raise him the best I could.I even went as far and sharing my power with him.

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