Lady Amalthea Willow DarkLite

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Based off The last Unicorn

To know my story you must understand what happened.

I was once simple unicorn till men came into my forest. They claimed I was the last. I questioned myself for days about this. When a Butterfly came to me and tolled me what happened to the others.

So I went on a quest in search of the other unicorns. To seek them out to find out where they had gone. I met Schmendrick, a magician and Molly Grue, the love of Captain Cully. To seek out King Haggard and the Red Bull.

We had reached King Haggard's lands and the Red Bull found me. He chased me down. Schmendrick, was begged by Molly to do something and he did.

The Red Bull backed off and there I was laying naked on the ruff ground. A HUMAN GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

I could feel the body dying. Being a Unicorn makes one immortal. But my friend had used his magic to change me into a human girl.

Schmendrick, Molly Grue, and myself the Unicorn (now in human form) proceed to Haggard's castle and seek entry. King Haggard is at first unwelcoming, and Schmendrick introduces the me only as his niece, Lady Amalthea. Schmendrick requests that the three of them stay there as members of Haggard's court, only to be told that all of the royal complement has long since been dispatched; the only remaining occupants in the castle are Haggard, his adopted son Prince Lír, and four ancient men-at-arms.

Haggard consents to lodging the trio, replacing his more competent on-call wizard with Schmendrick, and setting Molly Grue to work in his scullery.

After a while, I began to forget my identity and my reasons for coming to the castle, and eventually I fell in love with Prince Lír. Caught in a complex web of newfound emotions, I struggles with thoughts of abandoning my quest for the sake of mortal love. Haggard confronts me in private conversation, hinting at the location of the unicorns, yet from the waning magic in my eyes, he has doubts regarding his previous suspicions that I am more than I seems.

Molly, on the other hand, ends up learning some clues on the location of the Red Bull's lair from a talking cat.

Going through a secret passage hidden by a broken clock in the castle basement, Schmendrick reveals my true identity to Lír after explaining what they are looking for. Lír, however, isn't moved at all and says that he loves me anyway. This makes me want to abandon the quest and marry Lír, but Lír dissuades me otherwise.

The Red Bull soon appears, but is no longer deceived by my false human form and chases after myself. When I trip, I hurts myself and can't run any further. As Lír struggles to protect me, Schmendrick turns me back into the Unicorn, but I am unwilling to leave Lír's side.

The Bull drives me toward the ocean, just as he earlier drove all the other unicorns, but I manages to run away and the bull gives chase. Lír, still in love with me, tries to defend me, but when he blocks the bull's path, the bull doesn't stop and Lír is killed.

Enraged, in my Unicorn form I aggressively turns on the Bull and forces him into the sea. Carried on the white surf of incoming tides, the other unicorns emerge en masse from the water, causing Haggard's castle to collapse into the sea as they rush past, with Haggard falling to his death from the crumbling castle parapet.

On the beach, I magically revives Lír before I departs for my forest. Schmendrick assures Lír, now the king, that he has gained much by winning the love of a unicorn, even if he is now alone. I briefly returns to say goodbye to Schmendrick, who laments that he has done me wrong by burdening me with regret and the taint of mortality. I disagrees and thanks him nonetheless for having helped to restore unicorns to the world, and though I am the only unicorn to feel regret, I am also the only unicorn to know love. Schmendrick and Molly watch as I depart for my home in the woods.

// This is were my own twist comes in//

After returning the other unicorns to the world I stayed with a few in my woods. But none of them seemed to understand what I have been throw. What I had learned, what I have felt.

No unicorn in the world had been mortal before. No unicorn had ever felt before. I am the first. So I left the lavender woods, My home where the other unicorns were.

One day while I was walking down the road I ran into an old friend, Schmendrick. He had frred the red bull from his ocean prison. Hr had turned the Red Bull in to a human just like myself. But He had left a mark on the Red bull so he could shift back to his true self when the bull found the Unicorn that got away.

Schmendrick then did the same to me. Changed me to a human once more but this time I could change to my true form of a unicorn when ever I wished. I could walk around humans as a human.

What to do as a unicorn and a human? So I wondered around I changed my looks when ever I felt the need to. Using my unicorn magic to change my looks.

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