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"I'll be back by 5 dad!"

Cassandra or 'Cassie' as her friends called her, bolted out the door and ran to the frozen lake not too far from her house.

Cassie and her father Michael lived together in a small apartment , two stories below Charlie and his mom.

Charlie was outside the apartment building waiting for the girl impatiently, "Hurry up Cassie, I can't wait forever!"

"Alright, alright I'm here. Let's go before they start without us."

When the two kids arrived at the lake where the rest of the district 5 hockey team were.

However the moment they arrived, Charlie, Karp, Peter and Averman leave again almost immediately.

"Hey Cassie, can you lend us a dollar?" Charlie asked innocently.

"What for?"

Charlie just gave a mischievous smirk , "It'll be worth it , trust me."

The girl sighed and handed him a crumpled dollar note before skating back to Connie , her best friend and the only other girl on the team.

"What do you think they'll be up to this time?" Connie questioned.

"As long as they don't get hurt, I'm perfectly fine not knowing." Cassie answered.

The two girls started to practice with the rest of the team as they shot the puck at they're goalie Goldberg.

Not too long later, the four boys ran back laughing so hard they had to clutch their onto stomachs.

"Are you gonna pay me back my dollar spaze-way?" Cassie asked Charlie.

The boy sighed, "I'll pay you back after I pay Terry back his dollar."

The girl rolled her eyes and skated back to her position next to Guy waiting for Jesse to pass the puck.

Charlie soon piped up after he put on his skates and joined the team, "I heard we're getting a new coach after the old one got hurt."

Jesse scoffed , "Bet he's gonna be a cake-eater like the rest of them."


After a half hour of playing, a black limo pulled up near the ice , soon it drove on the ice itself, right in front of the team.

In their Minneapolis town, seeing a mysterious black limo wasn't a good sign.

No one in the neighbourhood drove that nice of a car. If someone drove a nice car , their neighborhood is the last place they'd bring it.

"We're gonna get into big trouble."

"It's drugs , I just know it."

Murmurs were heard among the kids as they huddled together in fear of the mysterious vehicle.

Jesse went in front, "Calm down , I'll handle it."

A man who looked like he was in his mid 20s stepped out of the car in a big black coat. He looked important and well paid.

Definitely not from the neighbourhood.

"Yo, dude.You obviously in the wrong hood."Jesse stated.

The boy continued, "This is my dominion. This is a drug-free zone, you understand?We ain't buyin' nothin'. I'm feelin' generous today.So I'm gonna let you get your sorry vanilla bootie outta here, before we be usin' your eyeballs as hockey pucks."

This made the team laugh at Jesse's threat , Peter even pointing at the man as he did so.

The man scoffed, "Thanks, bro, but I'm not goin' home until I take care of business."

He reached into a pocket in his coat to pull something out.

The team  stepped back wary of what the mysterious man was going to do.

Cassie whispered to Connie, "It could be a gun."

Connie nodded backing further away from the man.

However, the object in the man's hand thankfully wasn't a gun but instead a piece of paper.

"District Five Pee Wee hockey team. I'm Gordon Bombay, I'm the new coach."

Cassie couldn't help but let out a laugh. The man was wearing a suit and tie for goodness sake's, which coach wears that?

"Yeah right." Jesse scoffed.

Cassie sighed, "Afraid so dude."

Bombay opened the piece of paper and read out names, "Averman, Dave. Conway, Charlie. Lim, Cassandra. Hall, Terry."

He momentarily stopped his sentence to shove the paper back in his pocket before continuing, "Here's the long and the short of it.I hate hockey and I don't like kids."

Cassie let out a dry laugh, "He sure is a character huh Con?"

Connie sighed and nodded, any hope of having a halfway decent coach fading.

"What's this supposed to be? A pep talk?" Asked Peter.

Bombay let out a sarcastic laugh, "I'm sure this'll be a real bonding experience.Maybe one day one of you will even write a book about it in jail."

The two girls gasped , taking light offense to their new coach's words. Jesse and Peter's eyes went wide, unable to believe that a coach said that to a group of 10 to 12 year olds.

"Where's the goalie?" Bombay asked.

Goldberg raised his hand, "Only for a little while.I'm movin' back to Philly."

"Thank you for sharing that." Bombay said, sarcasm dripping from off his tongue.

He ordered the team to get on the ice and show him what they could do.

The two girls shook their heads and let out small laughs.

"Can't wait to see the look on his face when he find out we suck." Cassie giggled.

Connie laughed before taking a spot next to Guy.

Cassie never understood why Connie would so often stay close to Guy. She couldn't pry it out of Connie, she was as thick as a brick wall.

Averman was the last to join them as he just couldn't help himself.

He skated in front of Bombay and stated while smiling, "Just so you know, we really suck."


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