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Just as the two planned they had decided to hang out but instead of the usual alley they went over to Fulton's place.(Michael wasn't too happy about it)

It was a small apartment with two bedrooms and a small living room with no real kitchen. Fulton's room was a small space just enough to put a small bed and a small desk, his clothes seemed to have been stored in a big plastic box that was placed in the corner of the room.

The room smelled like mint while the light green paint on the walls were starting to peel off. There were posters of rock bands like Pearl Jam and Led Zeppelin on his walls, a few of the posters had ripped ends or were crumpled.

When Cassie had first stepped into Fulton's room she had almost tripped over the stack of CDs that were sprawled on the floor, which had a old CD player next to it.

"So what do you want to do?" Cassie asked.

Fulton sat on his bed, he shrugged, "W-What do you want to do?"

Cassie took out her homework that she had stuffed in her bag, "Do you mind if I do English here?"

The boy shook his head, "I'll do mine with you."

He took out a book from his school bag, The Outsiders. The book as assigned to them as something to read for school and Cassie adored it, she finished it within a day.

"You alright?"

Fulton's face went pink as he pointed at the word.

Cassie perked up, "Imploring means to plead."

As Cassie's finger left the page, it grazed passed Fulton's hand with her arm soon resting right next to his.

Fulton smiled thankfully at the girl, his attention not fully going back to the book instead his mind was preoccupied with the aching sensation he felt in his chest with their close proximity blocking his brain from thinking about anything or anyone else but her.

"You're very smart." Fulton blurted out. (he mentally slapped himself)

Cassie almost giggled at the complement. Like a little girl with her playground boyfriend. What was she doing?

"I'm not that smart, I just read a lot. It's not that impressive."

Fulton scrunched up his face, confused at how she would think that of herself.

"Don't say things like that. You know big words and how to use them, that sounds pretty impressive to me. Don't sell yourself short Cas, I think you are pretty amazing."

That was it.

Cassie thought she was done for. What was happening to her? Was she having and migraine or something?

Her brain was spinning and her breath hitched, her whole body felt weaker than usual, Fulton's complement leaving Cassie at a lost for words.

With the way Cassie responded( or the lack there of) Fulton let out a awkward chuckle before turning back to his book and mentally cursed himself for making her feel 'uncomfortable'.

Cassie hurriedly put her head back down to her homework, forcing herself to forget the terribly awkward interaction.

A uncomfortable silence fell on the two while their arms were still touching.

"You played really well today." Cassie mumbled, breaking the thick tension.

Fulton hide his face further into the book, "Thanks Cas but I didn't play much though."

Cassie sighed, "You literally just told me to give myself credit and here you are saying shit like this. Hypocrite."


"You contradict yourself."

Fulton's eyebrows raised momentarily.

Cassie gave him a soft smile, "I meant what I said that day, you are a good player."

Fulton's face broke into a big smile as he met Cassie's eyes, the two of them maintaining the eye contact.

The contact of their arms seemed to have amplified ten fold as the two of them scooted closer together, Fulton inching his hand closer to Cassie's.

Cassie took Fulton's hand into hers as she laced them together, leaning in slightly.

They stayed that way for most the evening, with Fulton putting his attention back to the book and Cassie her homework but their hands stayed laced together until Cassie had to leave.

There was a new skip in Cassie's step when she walked home and a bright smile graced her face, unwavering as she got home.

Her positive energy was felt from the moment she stepped into her home with Michael questioning her from the get go.

"What's got you in such a good mood."

It was as if she snapped out of a daze as she hurriedly answered, "The game that's all. Okay gotta go, need to call Connie. You guys can start dinner without me."

Before Michael could answer, Cassie was already long gone and had closed the door of her room.

"She's growing up. You asked the wrong question Mikey, it's not what, it's who." Vince stated before patting his brother on his back. Michael scowled at him, attempting to hit Vince with a rice paddle.


"I want to hear everything."

Cassie giggled at her friend's eagerness, "Alright, alright. It was mostly pretty awkward but..."

Cassie could see Connie's grin through the phone, "But?"

"He called me amazing and smart."

A loud gasp came from the phone followed by a very muted squeal.

"He does like you."

There was a little more hope in Cassie that Connie's suspicions were true than there was just that afternoon.

She wanted to tell Connie about the hand holding that happened later that day but Cassie wanted to keep that knowledge to her, Fulton and his four walls.

Connie didn't need to know everything.

(A/N okay so this is a little bit of a filler but hey, its happening and they are both absolutely oblivious and stupid

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(A/N okay so this is a little bit of a filler but hey, its happening and they are both absolutely oblivious and stupid. I love it. And also, two updates back to back??? Who am I?)

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