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"So? That's it you guys just did homework the whole time?" Connie asked for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

The team was preparing for a game against the Flames.

Cassie sighed and rolled her eyes, "Yes! You asking me over and over isn't going to change that."

"Never heard of manifestations Cas?" Charlie added, earning a slap on the arm by Cassie.

Connie had told Charlie about Fulton and Cassie's 'blossoming relationship' as Connie liked to put it. Charlie just had to milk every drop of it.

The three of them sat in the benches in the locker room, Charlie talking about Bombay's affection for his mom.

Guy was the next to arrive and inserted himself into their conversation, the four of them waiting on the rest of the team to show up.

"That's gross. Coach as your dad?" Guy exclaimed, making a fake hacking noise, Connie elbowing him in the stomach.

"It's sweet." The two girls seethed at the blond boy, making him put his hands up in surrender.

After awhile, Fulton had arrived, opening a locker right next to Cassie's.

He gave her a smile affectionate smile before putting on his hockey gear.

Not much had changed between the two of them, although Cassie did feel elated after the incident she didn't really know what to do or what to say to Fulton the next day.

Since Fulton seemed normal, as if nothing important had happened, Cassie acted as if nothing had happened. Was she disappointed? Did she want Fulton to act differently? But what difference did she want? How would she handle him acting different? How-

"You're staring." Charlie teased, speaking loud enough for both Cassie and Fulton to hear.

Fulton's head shot up to see Cassie's snapping her head from his direction to Charlie's.

A deep red flushed onto both of their skin, Fulton looking down at his feet, Cassie glared and hit Charlie again, harder this time.

"Damn it Spazway!"

The last three members of the team Jesse, Terry and Peter had finally arrived but with solemn looks on their faces.

Before anyone could ask them what was wrong, Bombay had entered the locker room.

"Hey why aren't you guys in uniform? We've got warm ups in half an hour." Bombay asked the three boys.

The three of them ignored their coach, instead, they kept quiet and started to whisper among themselves.

Bombay had a smile o his face as he faced the rest of the team, "All right everyone, I've got some good news. We're getting a new player, Adam Banks."

"What?" Cassie and Charlie exclaimed, looks of shock and horror on their faces.

Adam Banks and his posse had tormented the district five team since the first grade when they started playing Pee Wees.

They had said every mean thing in the book and called them every name you can think of.

"He's a Hawk!" Connie spat.

"He's a good player." Bombay reasoned.


"Everybody hates him."

Fulton bent down and whispered to Cassie, "Is he one of the blond guys that pushed you?"

The girl nodded, Fulton's facial expression changed, he glared at the thought of having any one of the three on the team.

"We don't need him." Connie added with the other members of the team agreeing.

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