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Practice that day was rigorous and tiring much to Cassie's delight.

They had finally started to train like a team and started planning out plays for their next game. It was refreshing to finally train like they always wanted to.

Training ended about 4 in the afternoon. The sky was still bright enough for Cassie to feel safe to walk to the alley way herself.

As she got nearer to the ally the sound of pucks hitting trees and walls became more pronounced.

Cassie made sure to make her presence known as she approached , not wanting to end up in the hospital.

"Hey Fulton." She exclaimed before she entered the ally, making the boy stop his actions and walk towards Cassie.

The boy greeted her with a smile and gestured for her to sit on an old chair.

"How was practice this time?" Fulton asked as he shot a puck out of the alley.

Cassie smiled as she sat up straighter, excited to tell someone about her team's progress.

"Coach Bombay is actually coaching us and teaching us plays, he even said he wanted new recruits. You know, I could recommend you for the team."

Fulton scoffed at the idea, "Ya right, like he'll take in someone who can't even skate."

He launched another puck out the alley, this time almost hitting a car mirror.

Cassie sat up and closer to Fulton, making him turn and put his full attention towards the girl in front of him.

"Well you just never taught me to do your slap shot, teach me first than I'll teach you to skate. Remember?"

Fulton agreed and retrieved the puck, mean while Cassie took out her hockey stick from her bag.

"Okay, so what you want to do is just lean a little more forward and just think of something that makes you annoyed or angry." Fulton instructed, standing behind the girl, a little too close for Cassie to not feel anything.

Her face flushed a light pink as she turn her head slightly to the back and saw exactly how close they were.

She didn't even realise she was holding her stick wrongly and Fulton had to readjust it, lightly picking up her right hand to go a little higher.

Just that gentle touch made Cassie feel nervous for some reason.

She never acted that way towards Charlie or Guy or any of the other boys on her team, so why Fulton?

Cassie shot the puck out the alley, the hardest she had ever hit a puck and it had landed on a car, thankfully not denting it.

"That was amazing." Fulton exclaimed, giving Cassie a high five.

Cassie turned around to face Fulton, "It's not as good as yours."

The boy's face flushed a bright red as he fiddled with his fingers , "It's nothing really, even you could do it."

Cassie shook her head, "Don't sell yourself short your a pretty sweet shooter."

Fulton smiled, "And you are a pretty sweet player."

They continued to hang out for a few more hours, taking turns shooting out the alley and just enjoying each other's company.

Around 6pm , Cassie was about to leave when she felt drops of water fall on her hands and head. The light drizzles soon became heavier and not before long, it was raining heavily.

Fulton's house was at Stillwater which was a further away from Cassie's house which was just a few blocks away.

"C'mon just come to my place, I'm not letting you stay here or walk home." Cassie pleaded.

"But I don't want to be a problem."

Cassie scoffed, "Shut up, you are coming with me whether you like it or not."

The girl dragged Fulton to her house as the rain was pouring down on their faces, soaking them head to toe.

By the time the two of them had entered the apartments elevator, they were panting and trying to catch their breath.

Fulton vigorously shook his head, the water in his damp hair splattering all over Cassie as they stood in the small elevator.

"Fulton, stop that!" Cassie exclaimed, laughing as she tried to cover her face, not wanting anymore rain water on her.

The two of them walked into Cassie's apartment to see Micheal and Vince sitting on the couch watching some program.

They mustn't have been very invested in it as their heads turned around the moment they heard a pair of extra foot steps enter.

"Hey dad, hey Vince, do you mind if my friend stays here for a bit? It's raining."

Micheal's eyebrows furrowed, "Who is this?"

Cassie smiled, "This is Fulton Reed, he's in some of my classes. We met after practice."

Fulton gave the two men in the room an awkward smile and wave.

Cassie and Fulton went to sit on the couch as Micheal and Vince got up to make dinner, whispering to each other in the process.

"你觉得他是Cassie的男朋友吗?"( do you think he is Cassie's boyfriend?) Vince whispered to Micheal as they walked to the kitchen.

They looked over at the two kids who were laughing and joking, Cassie brushing the wet strands of hair out of Fulton face, making him let out a few giggles.

"Choy! Choy! Choy!( Cantonese word for touch wood) 别说这种话!" (don't say things like that!) Micheal exclaimed as his  eyes widened and slapped his brother on his head.

Fulton and Cassie was unaware of the conversation happening, instead they were preoccupied with each other.

"You look like a wet dog." Cassie prodded as she brushed Fulton's messy back hair out of her view.

Fulton's breath hitched for the few seconds her fingers grazed on his skin.

Her soft finger tips against his rougher skin, lighting brushing against the scar on his face with such care and heart it made Fulton want to faint.

Even though he would rather die than admit it, Fulton Reed was a hopeless romantic. When starts to fall he won't be able to stop falling even deeper.

His 13 year old heart couldn't handle the sudden quickening of his heart beat, it couldn't handle the little aches he felt when she was near.

He had not noticed that he was staring at Cassie for a little longer than necessary and immediately snapped out of his thoughts and faced the TV.

Avoiding Cassie gaze.

For the rest of the night Fulton could not bring himself to talk to Cassie, even after he left and Cassie said her goodbyes, he couldn't meet her eyes, instead opting for a small wave and a quick smile.

For the rest of the night Fulton could not bring himself to talk to Cassie, even after he left and Cassie said her goodbyes, he couldn't meet her eyes, instead opting for a small wave and a quick smile

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