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"Just remember, keep your head up."

Coach Bombay stood at the bus stop with the Ducks. He was going to try out for the Minor leagues despite his age, Cassie really admired him for that decision.

The Minnesota winter was still harsh but Cassie could help but feel and overwhelming warmth.

Maybe it was the win maybe it was the comfort in knowing that they had each other's backs. Banks had healed completely and started to hang out more with the Ducks outside of hockey.

The sound of a bus got closer to the group, Bombay sighed, knowing that his time with the Ducks were up.

Fulton wrapped an arm around Cassie's shoulder to keep her warmer, there was a sense of dread seeing their coach leave them.

Bombay turned to face his team with a hopeful smile on his face.

He started to shake hands with the kids that helped change his life, "Cake eater."

Adam teased Bombay endlessly, he swore it was friendly fire.

"Remember, strength not concentration ." Fulton joked.

Cassie added, "And for God's sake, soft hands."

Bombay laughed, although he looked tough and firm, their coach was in reality, a very sentimental guy.

"Right, anything else?"

Charlie, their captain and the closest to Bombay smiled, "Yeah, have fun out there coach."

"Sure but don't forget us coach." Cassie teased.

Bombay laughed, "Gonna missed you guys. I must be crazy, a tryout with the minors. I'll be going up against kids half my age."

Ms Conway who was (apparently) dating Gordon decided to give him some confidence, "Just have a good tryout, one step at a time."

The bus had arrived and Bombay was about to board it before he turned back, "Hey Ducks, no matter what happens we'll see each other next season, we have a title to defend!"

The team cheered at the top of their lungs.

Who knows what will happen before the next season? Will some of them move away? Will some quit? Nothing was guaranteed, they had lives outside of hockey things will change.

Most of them were going to junior high, new school, new people, new environment. It seemed inevitable that they'd all change as people.

Cassie worried for her friendships, Connie, Charlie the rest of the Ducks. What would happen to her and Fulton? So much will change next year but hopefully for the better.

The Ducks chased down the bus for a while as they laughed and tripped, Gordon waved at them from the back of the bus until the group of kids were out of sight.

As they slowed down, Cassie couldn't help but feel fulfilled.

Sure she was twelve but this was the most calm and blissful moment she had ever felt in her short life. The championship win was nothing compared to the bonds she had formed that year.

She couldn't be more thankful.

(A/N hiiiiii thank you so much for reading this book, it has been a joy to write it

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(A/N hiiiiii thank you so much for reading this book, it has been a joy to write it. Cassie is probably the most relatable character I have ever written and I love her omg hope you guys had as much fun reading this as I had writing it. I have one other TMD book on my profile right now which is a Julie one and I have decided to make a sequel to my other book Annoyance so look forward to them!!)

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