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It was the weekend and Fulton had agreed to hang out with Cassie in the alley.

Fulton's demeanor the past few days made Cassie rather worried on both their parts.

He had stopped initiating conversations and only responded with short sentences or short nods.

What if Cassie had done something wrong and Fulton was mad? But he couldn't possibly be mad yet agree to spend time with her right?


Cassie as sat on the same old chair as she watched Fulton shoot pucks out the alley and narrowly missed passing cars.

It was rather relaxing for Cassie to see her friend practice. She didn't really understand why.

Was it the way he looked concentrated as he got ready to take his shot? Was it the way his eyebrows would lightly furrow when he would hit a tree or car? Or was it the way his knuckles clenched as he held his hockey stick tighter?

Cassie noticed these things and although they were small gestures, she somehow found them rather endearing.

It was odd.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a loud crash.

She turned to see a broken car window with a man running out of the car and yelling angrily at Fulton.

As the man got closer and Fulton started to run, Cassie realised that the man was actually coach Bombay.

"Hey! Hey! Hold it!" Bombay yelled as he chased Fulton to the end of the alley.

Cassie bolted towards the two and managed to grab hold of Fulton's jacket before he could climb over the fence and far away from Bombay.

"Relax he's my coach." Cassie explained.

As Bombay got closer, Fulton groaned and tried to apologise.

"Look, it was an accident alright!" He huffed.

Cassie half expected Bombay to scold Fulton but instead the man smiled and turned to her.

"You're friends with Fulton?"

Cassie nodded, "Ya , why?"

"Why didn't you tell me he could play? Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

Fulton shrugged, "I didn't learn, I just do it."

"Do it again." Bombay said adamantly.

Fulton retrieved his puck and hit the puck out the alley as he usually did, this time shattering another window on Bombay's car.

"Well you're great at breaking windows. Do you ever hit the goal?"

Fulton turned around to meet the man's face, "Yeah, well one out of five."

Bombay stepped closer, "Is it true, what they say? About the scholarships and how they won't let you play hockey?"

The boy scoffed, "People talk, it don't mean nothing."

Bombay smiled, "Cassie must have tried to ask you to join so why don't you play for us?"

"I can't."

Bombay raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Fulton started to get more impatient, "I mean I can't."

Bombay continued to push harder, "You afraid?"

Fulton was about to blow up in front of Bombay and Cassie could sense it. As much as Cassie was starting to admire Bombay, he really needed to learn to stop.

𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐏 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓-FULTON REEDWhere stories live. Discover now