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The day was finally here.

If you had told Cassie in the beginning of the season that the her team was going to participate in state finals, she probably would have laughed in your face.

But yet here she was, in her father's car clutching onto her hockey bag for dear life, the district five team had never even came close to state finals before, she didn't know what to expect or what to do.

What if she was the one with the winning shot and she missed? What would her teammates think?

The Hawks had beaten district five on countless occasions, of course they had the upper hand against them.

But she remembered what Bombay had said, district five was old news. They're the Ducks and they have what it takes.

After Micheal parked the car, he turned to his daughter. Cassie was in a trance like state and her uneven breathing thundered in his ears.

"You're going to do fine, you guys have been training hard, even if the Ducks don't win, you're still a winner in my eyes." Micheal siad as he placed a hand on Cassie's shoulder.

Vince who was sitting in the back seat continued, "As long as you try your best, you've already won."

Cassie looked up, giving her father and uncle a thankful smile, "Thanks guys , hopefully we do win though, a trophy is much sweeter."

The pair laughed as they exited the car and walked towards the rink.

Cassie entered and saw Fulton waiting at the entrance for her.

She hurriedly walked up to him, "How are you holding up because I'm not doing so good."

Fulton smiled, "Well good morning to you too Cas."

Micheal and Vince seemed to have walked away from the young couple and instead went to find seats. (as prompted by Vince)

Fulton and Cassie walked to the locker rooms hand in hand, Cassie squeezed Fulton's hand rather tightly but Fulton's warm presence eased her nerves a little.

"Everything's going to be fine." Fulton reassured, giving Cassie's forehead a quick peck.


Welcome to the Minnesota State Pee Wee Championship. Have we got a game for you today. The Hawks, coached by Jack Reily and The Ducks coached by Gordon Bombay.

The Hawks started to chant their usual mantra, the boys were screaming 'win' at the top of their lungs, egged on by their coach.

Bombay on the other hand gave the Ducks an encouraging smile, "Ducks let's do this, quack, quack, quack."

Their coach began the chant with the rest of the Ducks joining in quickly after.

"GO DUCKS, LET'S GO!" Bombay exclaimed.

With the Ducks now pumped up, the first line started to stream onto the ice however Banks was stopped by Jesse.

Cassie was standing behind Jesse and she had abruptly stopped making her crash into Jesse's back.

The boy grabbed Adam by the arms and glared, "Hey Banks, don't forget what team you play for."

Cassie scoffed, "He's a Duck now Jesse, now move it."

Jesse gave the blond boy on last glare before he got on the ice.

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