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The moment the game started the team minus Goldberg fell on top of each other after someone in front tripped.

Cassie was trying to push Peter off , despite the boy's smaller stature, Charlie was right on top of him in the pile.

"They really suck." Bombay exclaimed under his breath. Not expecting the team to be as bad as Averman made them out to be.

As they got out of the pile Averman stood to the side and started doing a rather annoying commentary on the game.

"The Pete-meister! Mr. Rabble-rouser. Passing the puck over to Jesse-roonie, the enforcer."

Cassie shoved Jesse down before taking the puck away and passed it to Karp.

Connie and Cassie skated towards the new coach and pass Averman who just had to say something about them, "Oh it's the Connie-meister and Cassie-roonie, the velvet hammer and trick shot."

Both girls looked at each other before pushing Averman down and skated over to their new coach.

Averman ,who was still lying on the ground exclaimed in his commentator voice, "Ouch, that hurt."

"Hey Coach, I'm Connie and this is Cassie." Connie greeted.

Cassie continued, "Do you play?"

The coach looked at them with a light scrawl on his face, "No. what's our record anyway?"

Cassie sighed, "0 to 9 but one was pretty close though, we only lost by 5."

Connie nodded excitedly, "We almost scoured a goal too thanks to Cassie who's our best shot."

By now the rest of the team gathered near the two girls and huddled around Bombay.

"So...what do we do now coach?"

Bombay raised his eyebrows, unsure himself, "What did your old coach do?"

Cassie rolled her eyes thinking about their old coach. He didn't even try to make them better he just yelled at them after every game because they had lost.

"Nothing really, he just yelled a lot."

Peter added, "That's how he hurt his arm."

"His arm?"

Peter nodded, "Ya, one minute he's yelling at us 'Little bastards, where'd you earn to play? Oh you suck! Skate you little bas...'" Peter abruptly stopped mid sentence just like their old coach had and clutched onto his chest making choking sounds.

Bombay scoffed, "Heart attack , great."

The man than put on a fake smile and continued, " All right look, I've gotta make a phone call. Keep scrimmaging. You,you ,you and you against you four."

"We have names you know?" Cassie spat.

"And I bet they're very nice names, I might even learn them, for now I'll be in my office so if you guys need anything, fax me." Bombay smiled and went back into the limo.

The team looked at him in shock and disgust.

Cassie was almost impressed at how unlucky her team was when it came to coaches. They always seemed to get guys who would rather do anything than coach them.

"Geez, what a jerk."

Guy gestured Cassie, "Shouldn't his qualifications be checked or something? We're impressionable kids aren't we?"

Cassie shrugged , "I don't know Guy, it's as if they could care less about us."

Peter soon had the brilliant idea to ambush Bombay's limo as it still hasn't left the ice yet.

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