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It was the day of the match and the district five team was just as prepared as they always were.

At least Karp started tripping less these few practices.

As the team was sitting in the booth, Cassie was helping to braid Connie's hair as she fixed her gloves which were just old mittens really.

As Cassie was tying Connie's hair she could sense that Connie's eyes kept drifting to a blonde boy.

"Are you going to fix your gloves or keep staring at Germaine?" Cassie whispered to her friend.

Connie's face grew hot as she lightly slapped Cassie hand, "Shut up Cas!"

As the team got ready two of the players from the rival team, the Hawks, McGill and Larson skated up to the team.

"Hey girls." They sneered, quickly skating off before Karp tried to jump them.

Cassie and Connie stayed at their places, mouths a gap and eyes wide.

"How dare they." Seethed Connie.

Cassie scowled, "I'm more offended that they associate us two with Karp."

This made Connie lighten up again and let out a laugh.

Bombay entered the stands, an unreadable emotion on his face.

The team looked over at the Hawks who were getting fired up, chanting.

"Win! Win! Win! Win!"

Bombay looked back and tried to do the same, "C'mon, Win! Win! Win! Win..."

The chant dying out as district five found it rather ridiculous that they were chanting win before a game.

What's the point? They were going to loose anyways.

Bombay gave up and threw his hands up in the air, "Yeah, we're fired up."

Right before the game started , Micheal ran in and took his seat next to Mr Hall and Ms Conway or as Cassie was now allowed to call her, Casey.

And right behind the adults, sitting in the last row was Fulton. He always came to see district five play, even though he knew they would always lose.

Cassie looked up and saw her father, giving him a wave. As she looked a little further, her eyes landed on the boy that she had met yesterday.

She gave him a smile, him giving one in return.

As they got on the ice, the district five team mimicked the Hawks's pre game ritual of hitting the goalie's pads as they skated by to their positions.

However, since Goldberg's gear wasn't actual pads, instead they were old newspapers taped to his legs, when each member of the team hit his legs, it was more painful than encouraging.

As Jesse, Guy and Terry lined up, McGill laughed, "What is this? The Oreo line?"

The Oreo line?

The fucking Oreo line?

Cassie swore that she could have clocked them than and there. But she had enough self control to save it for the game.

As the game started it was immediately in the Hawks's favor. The puck was stolen from Guy by McGill and he easily skated past defense before putting the puck into the goal with Goldberg reacting too slow.

"I got him! I got him!" Cassie yelled but was tripped over, not by a Hawk but by Charlie.

Cassie hit Charlie's helmet lightly with her stick, "Damn it Spazway."

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